Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Will you miss the Washington Post's great cartoonist Ann Telnaes?

Asked by Jeruba (56231points) 2 months ago

She resigned on principle after the editor rejected a cartoon depicting powerful people bowing before Trump.

For years I’ve admired her fearless work in the Washington Post—the deft caricatures, the savvy satire, the apt symbolism—and hope she’ll soon surface elsewhere. Happy new year, Ann.

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10 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

P.S. Given the exposure this news is getting in other media, I have to say it looks like her objectionable cartoon is getting a much bigger audience than it would have had if the Post had just published it in the usual way.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Thanks for the link. It moved me… then I went meh. Trumpism
, and (capitalism) , money as a religion. I’ve gone nose blind to Trumps shenanigans.

The cartoonist is right on the money. (Pun intended)

janbb's avatar

I don’t read WaPo but I did see the story and the cartoon on The Borowitz Report. Oligarchs should not be allowed to own newspapers. We live in scary times.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Good for her, having a spine.

I pay for the Wa Po website, but not sure how much longer I will.

jca2's avatar

I wasn’t familiar with her but I read about it in the NY Times.

It’s sad that it had to come to this. I’m not sure how old she is but hopefully she goes on to do cartoons at another publication.

Zaku's avatar

I rarely look at anything on the Washington Post, and I’ll be even less inclined to now.

Anyone who would ban such a cartoon is on the wrong side of history, and society, and shouldn’t be in charge of any publications.

I might try to look into this cartoonist and follow her work, though.

flutherother's avatar

I had never heard of Ann Telnaes until this morning but stories of people with integrity always gladden my heart. Her cartoon does nothing but illustrate a truth about politics today and the fact it was banned is testament to its truth.

MrGrimm888's avatar

First I’ve heard of her.
She has my respect…
Unfortunately. This is going to be a theme, of Trump’s term.
People who don’t kiss his ass, WILL be censored by Trump, and I wouldn’t be shocked at all if his detractors start filling prisons.
We may have to build like hundreds more prisons, some for all the Illegals, and some for the millions who harm his childlike insecurities.

When/if he leaves office, we’ll need a prison for his former staff AGAIN…

raum's avatar

She wasn’t on my radar until I read about her from Heather Cox Richardson.

Was thinking the same. That this actually created a larger audience than if it had just been published.

MrGrimm888's avatar


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