I’m afraid I couldn’t disagree more with calling sporadic civil unrest (not that that’s not also criminal,) the same as J6.
It WAS an isolated event, because it was planned.
Riots bad. Yes. Worse than attacking the Capitol Building in hopes of stopping the lawful transition of power, or in other words attempting a coup, and through violent means? Not remotely.
Is someone saying that the riots, “justified” J6? That takes a special kind, of crazy denial and disconnection from reality. Not that that hasn’t proven to be plentiful on the right….
The left-wingers, liberals, and really just people who oppose these repeated attempts at hostile takeovers, and super obvious corruption, were NEVER going to stoop to that level…
It’s not hard to understand, unless you’ve had your head up FOX “Newz’s” ass for years…
@Jaxk (hope you had a great new year) So Trump NEVER received funds from less than reputable people?...Stop it….
Wulf. Please re-read your posts, sir. You will notice my constant issues with your defense of the right. You are OFTEN simply giving your “interpretation” of things, and throwing things baseless on the left hoping it will stick. Any time yall do wrong, you have ZERO accountability…
And without fail, you double your illustrations of ignorance by insinuating all of these ridiculous conspiracies.
So how did J6 go?
Did you conservatives watch Harris be more of a man than Trump, by accepting defeat?..
How many people died, in the Capitol Building this time?
How many civilian protesters, showed up with AR-15s?...
How many people dedicated in the Capitol Building, while filming it?...
After ALL the reported mayhem by conservatives in NC, after the hurricane, it’s been a “year of riots.” Was there a left-wing J6, I missed?..
If you don’t condemn J6, and it’s actors, you’re a hypocrite. That goes, for everyone…