Social Question

MrGrimm888's avatar

Who was your favorite Trump impersonator, on SNL, and should they play him going forward?

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) 2 months ago

I thought Alec Baldwin just nailed it.
Now that his “Rust” thing is over, I would think he’d be available.

Obviously. Trump WILL be mocked, openly, and often.
It was fun, watching them do it during Trump’s last term. There won’t be a shortage of material.

Who should play Trump, in SNL skits for the next few years?

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9 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

I think SNL should use a toilet bowl sitting behind the desk at the Oval Office. A non-speaking ordinary toilet bowl from Home Depot. With its fellow comedians talking around it. The toilet bowl gets dirtier and filthier as the season progresses.

ragingloli's avatar

I do not watch Orangutan impersonators, because the original is already grating enough to listen to.

Forever_Free's avatar

Alec Baldwin nailed it. Looking forward to the outpouring of stupidity in 47

jonsblond's avatar

James Austin Johnson plays him currently and does a great job. I doubt they’ll find someone else to replace him.

zenvelo's avatar

Whoever it is, after January 20th they’ll be arrested for lese majeste.

No more impersonations of Republicans.

flutherother's avatar

My favourite Trump impersonator is Trump himself. No one could do it better.

SnipSnip's avatar

I’ve never watched SNL.

filmfann's avatar

James Austin Johnson nails it!

jonsblond's avatar

^Exactly! When it was clear Trump won I knew James secured his job at SNL for four more years.

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