General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Please tell me more about having a root cannal?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25161points) 1 month ago

On January 8th I will book a root cannal later in the month, and had some questions.

Is it true that it is only for show, and you can’t eat with it?

What else should I know?
Other than pulling the tooth what are my options?

I’m worried, and I want to prepare with questions for the dentist.

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29 Answers

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It’s not near as bad as it used to be. You can eat with it but you’ll need to be careful for a week or so. Just follow their instructions.

canidmajor's avatar

You can eat with it, they fill the empty space so it isn’t brittle. It’s an obnoxious and unpleasant procedure, but not as awful as it used to be. I had one this summer, and I am very undone by genial work, near phobic, in fact.
My mouth was sore for a few days, I am advised not to eat hard stuff or things like caramel with that tooth, but otherwise it’s fine.

chyna's avatar

I’m having one Wednesday, weather permitting. I’ll let you know.

janbb's avatar

It’s really not that bad. You will get lots of anesthesia and if the dentist is good, it doesn’t hurt much. I’m confused, I thought you were having the root canal on January 8th?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@janbb On January 8th, I will be at the dentist for a check-up to see if my swelling is cleared up enough to book an appointment for my root cannal.

janbb's avatar

^^ Got it ( BTW, it’s spelled canal.)

tedibear's avatar

I have had several root canals. The process has gotten better over the years. For me, the difficult part was the length of time I was in the chair and had my mouth open. There was minor discomfort during the procedure, but none after.

You should have either a filling or a temporary crown placed at the time. The tooth is essentially dead after the root canal, and a crown is often recommended to protect the tooth from breaking.

filmfann's avatar

It’s not as bad as seeing the first Joker movie.

I had an abscess. Once he drilled in, he hit a puss pocket which burst like a squeezed zit. That’s where the original pain was coming from.

Lightlyseared's avatar

It’s similar to a normal filling just takes longer

Forever_Free's avatar

Not as afflicting afterwards as impacted wisdom teeth.
Dental procedures have come a very long way to allowing you back to normal in short order. I wouldn’t be anxious over getting it done as opposed to waiting too long to get it done.

smudges's avatar

Given my experience, I definitely agree with @Lightlyseared and @tedibear. I’ve had at least 3. You should be back to normal the next day. On the day of, your jaw may have a dull ache for a few hours afterwards which Tylenol should take care of. Hearing about it and thinking about it is much worse than the actual procedure.

janbb's avatar

I would suggest scheduling it for as soon as you can so you can get it over with and stop worrying.

chyna's avatar

^Agree. And so you don’t have to do more rounds of antibiotics. Too much isn’t good for you.

smudges's avatar

I would suggest scheduling it for as soon as you can so you can get it over with and stop worrying.

Agreed. Hasn’t this been going on since summer? A round of antibiotics usually only takes 10–15 days to finish so you should be able to do it later this month.

RocketGuy's avatar

I’ve had a few root canals. The one done by a cosmetic dentist led to a summer of pain. (long story) The ones done by endodontists were pretty much painless except for the first shot of anesthetic. I had one endodontist with the charm of Lt. Data. He also had the precision and speed of Data. I was in and out in 45 min with no problems! My root canaled teeth are doing fine with whatever foods I like to eat probably because I got crowns put over them as the last step.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I second going to an endodontist. It’s all they do day in, day out and they’re typically much better at it than a regular dentist. Shoddy work on a crown is why I needed a root canal to begin with.

smudges's avatar

I’ve only ever been to a dentist and they’ve been awesome!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update Will get a root canal and an extraction on Friday January 10th @2pm. I will be sedated.

RocketGuy's avatar

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

chyna's avatar

Both procedures? So you have 2 teeth that are having issues?
I just got back from my root canal and it wasn’t bad. As someone above said the worst part is the shot to numb me.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@chyna Yes. I might have other dental issues, but these two are the most pressing. Thanks I will be sedated.

cheebdragon's avatar

I had 4 done in 1 day, no pain at all, just awkward having your mouth open so long and looking at the ceiling the entire time. Wear sunglasses!

chyna's avatar

@cheebdragon They gave me sunglasses at my appointment! I was so happy with them.

chyna's avatar

Good luck tomorrow @RedDeerGuy1

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update At dentist office. 45 minute wait. No extraction. Only one root canal.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update Done. Home now. Had pudding and whip cream. Ordered A&W. Other than being slightly dizzy I’m fine.

chyna's avatar

It wasn’t too awful was it?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@chyna Was awesome. No pain.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update face still swollen. Lots of drool. No pain other than my gums. Ordered soft foods. Will arrive soon.

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