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SQUEEKY2's avatar

What is the allure of Trump?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23605points) 2 months ago

I mean his rhetoric is degrading ,and disgusting, he alienates the us allies, cuddles up to strong men and dictators, acts like a mafia boss, and doesn’t have a diplomatic bone in his body.
But the right just seem to love him, why?
He is going to add trillions to the us debt, with his extension of the tax break for the mega wealthy, and yet wants to cut programs for the rest of the population.
Now admits to lying about cutting food and fuel prices for the average citizen, that alone probably won him the election.

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32 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

Speaking as a person whom recently threw away all their beliefs for Trump (amen,) it is mostly a homosexual attraction that just makes me mad to admit.
AND he’s a stable genius, sent, AND protected by God…
He has unequaled integrity, and mental acuity. None of which have dwindled as he’s aged like a bottle of MadDog20/20. Just getting stronger, and harder to swallow.
His obsession with the truth, is godlike. Saint like, if Trump delivers us to Jesus, after deporting all the invaders.

I can see it already.
Saint Trump.
Saint of protecting dog’s in Ohio.

How blessed we all are, to be headed into a mighty storm, with such a captain!

I look forward to the plentiful rewards, I deserve, as another neglected white male.
And SHAME on ALL of you, for trying to suppress the white male. The OBVIOUS real native Americans, because God gave us the USA. And Canada!

I would like to welcome the OP, to America. Come on home #51.
Come to Daddy Donald.
Forget what Trump did to Puerto Rico, he would NEVER treat you guys like that.

Sorry Canada. You just had to go, and try to be above the US.
Look at a map, you guys are north, and therfore “above” Trump. Easy fix, now you’re America! Genius Trump.

You can tell Trump is a genius, because to a dumbass like me it would seem absurd to even think of such things, whilst the US is in such debt…

What’s NOT to like.
Canada is no more.
Long live “Trumplandia!”

You’re going to be the one frowning, when gas is $1 a fill-up.
You’re Maple Syrup, we’re gonna drill baby drill. That’s OUR delicious tree sap, now!

ragingloli's avatar

The same allure that a turd has to a fly.

Kropotkin's avatar

You can ask the same for any politician. You just happen to be ideologically closer to someone other than Trump. A conservative will be equally incredulous and baffled by the allure of Biden or Harris, or any other liberal politician.

“cuddles up to strong men and dictators”

This is standard US foreign policy of the last 80 years. You’re just suddenly aware of one case because there’s the narrative of Trump supposedly being in the pocket of Putin. The US has supported most of the world’s dictatorships, including genocidal ones, and ones violently suppressing political dissent.

“acts like a mafia boss”

All US Presidents act like mafia bosses. Obama literally had a “kill list” which ended in hundreds of civilian deaths. Clinton, Bush 1 and 2, and Reagan administrations (and every other post-war president), involved all manner of extrajudicial killings, weapons trafficking, drug trafficking, overthrowing of sovereign governments, and outright war.

“But the right just seem to love him, why?”

Why does anyone love any political leader? They’re nearly always complete charlatans and represent elite interests. Trump is charismatic and confident. He makes authoritative promises and is a competent rhetorician. It’s not meant for you to like: you’re not his target audience.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Playing devil’s advocate here, there are many things some valid, some not.

#1. He trolls people on the left so successfully, they cannot stop talking about him. People on the right love watching people on the left pearl clutch and gasp. This is a valid reason for many. It’s entertainment on the Titanic to them and I actually get it.

#2. People who have watched America get into all of these proxy wars and remember how the unpredictable nature of Trump seemed to keep things from escalating. The second we had a weak leader, the darker elements in the world reacted. This is a plausible reason. There is some truth to it. Same vein as when you topple a dictatorship and the chaos that comes after is often worse.

#3. He did not ignore the struggle people are facing with the economy. This is not such a valid reason but people bought into it because they’re desperate. People who voted his way because of this will turn on him in a second if he does not deliver on his word. The outcome here is predictable.

#4. Many people see Trump as an outsider being unfairly pushed aside. Some small slivers of truth here but they are wildly exaggerated. Not a valid reason.

#5 He is not the Biden administration. “Not what we have now” is always a valid reason. Many of us would willfully steer into oncoming traffic to avoid colliding with a tree or driving off a cliff.

#6 The religious right is fully capable of making a deal with the devil if he promises to support their agenda. This one certainly does so their support is guaranteed. Valid reason.

#7 Finally, people are partisan and stupid. (Yes, the two are strongly correlated) This is especially true when a populist runs on their ticket, be it left or right. People can’t see the forest through the trees when they share the same jersey as their candidate and he is also entertaining.

#8 At the end of the day, reason #3, #5, #6 and #7 with some sprinkles of #2 gave him the votes that he needed.

Forever_Free's avatar

The allure that there is someone more stupid than they are.

canidmajor's avatar

”Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd.” – Bertrand Russell

You know, like non-white people, environmentalists, women who think of themselves as human, etc etc etc.

smudges's avatar

I don’t know what the allure is, but even people who don’t like him are obsessed. Just look at how much time is devoted to him on fluther. He’d be flattered.

Blackberry's avatar

We tried to tell you guys:
This country is basically mostly uneducated hillbillies.

In the past it was mostly educated whites that were president, then Bush came and made uneducated whites feel seen and heard.

Trump is the guy speaking to all those uneducated whites again.

Then you have the other minorities so desperate for white approval they brown nose because it’s easier to live your life around them, otherwise you’re bullied, picked on, and ridiculed for being a sensitive democrat.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@Blackberry Plenty of black people voted for him too. So did a lot of educated people. Hispanics strongly supported him, dare I him elected. You can’t blame a bunch of dumb hillbillies for Trump. Dumb hillbillies also don’t vote in very large numbers. This was a working-class and religious/conservative movement across the entire nation.

jca2's avatar

Trump also ran on a platform of halting immigration and deporting migrants and apparently that was appealing to many voters from all parties.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah he had the Fright wing base believing they were streaming over the border by the thousands and running lawless through the streets, while the ones that were in the states for the most part were working for farms at below minimum wage.

jca2's avatar

@SQEEKY2 Also that migrants are given shelters with free medical insurance, restaurant meals, and other services and benefits that citizens like veterans aren’t given.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Surprisingly, some of the biggest pushback on immigration is from previous immigrants from the same locales who are established here now. They don’t want others crowding the niche they occupy. It’s akin to the flood of people moving to the Southeast because it’s “affordable.” It’s not now for that reason by the way.

KNOWITALL's avatar

He understands the priorities of the Reps and makes them feel heard and appreciated after years of Democrats doing the opposite.
Also he doesnt forget where he is, what he’s saying so that’s helpful.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@KNOWITALL It was an easy win when Biden now is the caricature of a man who should be sitting in an old folks home being hand-fed spoonfuls of lukewarm oatmeal by a nurse speaking to him like a pet in a high-pitched voice. “There you go, such a good boy…” It was just too little, too late when he was told to step aside for Harris.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I think you have to put yourself in their shoes. I mean, we are all biased because we all know who he is, so obviously to us there is no allure.

But kind of imagine, the past how many years you have all these news outlets, some major (Fox) some smaller, and they are all telling you that all your rights will be taken by the left. And the average person clearly doesn’t fact check. So they get stuck in this fear cycle. And they truly believe that their rights will be taken by the democrats.

So now the dems are the enemies, and everything they want to do is JUST so they can bring America down. Now, it is not just them, it is all branches of the government that are the enemy.

As you start falling down that rabbit hole, things like 9/11 was fake, moon landing was fake. It all starts to seem real.

Everything is a threat to America and our lives, there will be civil unrest, there will be a war. They convince you of all this.The pandemic REALLY scared people. That really changed everything, and brought these people further down that hole. That is more recent, but it did bring people to his side.

And then Trump comes along, and yknow what? He isn’t too bad at giving speeches. He speaks confidently, he is sure of himself. And he promises to save us. He promises to save this country and punish the opposition. At this point, when you are already trapped in a fear cycle and you now hear Trump… there is the Allure. His promises, his confidence. We can say, from the outside, that he lacks charisma, but does he really? He has enough to manipulate millions of people.

When you have the ability to think for yourself, there is no allure. I am not saying MAGA is a cult, I guess that is up to personal opinion, but watch a documentary on how people get sucked into things such as a cult, where are they at in life? Hopeless, scared maybe? Then that group comes along and promises them everything they have ever wanted? That is the “allure”- “I can make all your dreams come true, I can fix all of your problems.”

That is politics.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Trump doesn’t have the filter that normally people have when speaking, and it comes off as honesty. Also, he consistently has an excuse or explanation for his wrongdoings. So It is possible to give him a pass.

Finally he is a good salesman. He uses words like, best, perfect, most ever. You would have to fact check everything he says, and it’s easier to believe him.

Blackberry's avatar

Oh, I apologize….the times have changed so my answer should reflect that:

People of all races and creeds have become hillbillies that have been scared by propaganda machines.


Blackwater_Park's avatar

You can hand wave it away as “a bunch of hicks” but we all know it’s more complicated

Blackberry's avatar

A bunch of hicks that saw the world become a little too diverse and rainbow-y and got scared, yes.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He is threatening a war with Panama and Denmark to take their property ! !


KNOWITALL's avatar

I guess the US has hillbillies from sea to shining sea!!

Blackberry's avatar

Where do you think they came from? Expand and conquer, kill the opposition, convert the rest etc etc.

It really was a genius campaign.

Blackberry's avatar

And just in case you think I’m being facetious. A nurse just got caught breaking the bones of infants in the hospital.

And people are being quiet about the fact that it was African American infants.

I’ll be mature and reserve judgement until we know for sure that it was a hate crime, though.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Blackberry I read about that but didn’t see any mention of race in refards to the nurse or infants.
So you believe Trumps allure is racism, and anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment? Speak in small words, I am in Missouri-home of the hillbillies after Appalachians. :)

Blackberry's avatar

Yea, but the talk behind the scenes has already started. If this woman did indeed attack African american infants in a position of authority, things that she’s watched and listened to the past couple decades might have led to her doing that.

Blackberry's avatar

Just like your buffalo grocery store attack. He wrote the n word on the barrel of his gun, drove to the predominantly African american area of his state and ended 10+ people.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Blackberry I’m just not seeing the correlation unless you still believe Trump is a racist pandering to WS, and all 77 million plus Trump supporters are also racist.
In my opinion it had more to do with the shitshow Democrats put on in 2024 election cycle.

That was Buffalo NY, not Buffalo MO. Now our Buffalo does have some hillbillies, hell they are so backwoods they make ME uncomfortable.

cookieman's avatar

I think for some, it is greed in that his policies help line their pockets.

For others, they feel abandoned by this idealized ‘American Dream’, small town Americana, US manufacturing and believe he will somehow bring that back.

Others just hate the same types of people he hates and use his behavior to justify their own racism, sexism, and/or homophobia.

It’s the middle group I actually sympathize with because they were abandoned socially, economically, religiously, academically and do feel threatened by globalism and the outsourcing of jobs. Go check out any run down mill town. Shame of it is the culprits are political and corporate greed and many do not see that.

Blackberry's avatar

I wouldn’t expect you to see it. It’s one of many factors.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@KNOWITALL Also he doesn’t for get where he is….
really here is a short clip off you tube and there are lots more.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Fair enough haha

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