General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Would you like a banking service that delivers cash to your apartment?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25173points) 2 months ago

I could use $20 cash, but most of my money is in the bank.

Would you find this service useful?

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9 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar


I can’t use cash for online payments, only in person. So, I would already be out and about. There are ATMs all around. So a cash delivery service would be useless.

jca2's avatar

No. You’d have to pay a fee to get the $20, and it wouldn’t be worth a fee just to get cash.

If I’m out and I don’t have cash, I use credit cards. When I run low on cash, I go to the ATM and pick some up.

smudges's avatar

No, I almost exclusively use my debit card.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

N O !

Why pay ten dollars to get twenty delivered ?

You would have to sign for too.

MrGrimm888's avatar

No thanks. I would not want to advertise that I likely just received cash money.

ragingloli's avatar

Imagine the amount of theft that would be going on.
I also assume they would be wearing uniforms, so would-be-robbers could easily identify them and, well, rob them. And as a niche service, they would not be willing to pay for the kind of security that banks do.

MrGrimm888's avatar

To clarify, the idea, is not the issue. Society, is the reason I wouldn’t want such a service.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I don’t think I want somebody bringing money to my house and seeing where I actually live. It might make it too tempting for them to come back at some point and rob me.

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