General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Do US soldiers have the right to disobey an order to invade Canada?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33730points) 2 months ago

Assuming Trump gives the command, can soldiers refuse to take part?

Can Trump deploy troops to invade Canada without a declaration of war from Congress?

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46 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Yes. But they would get in trouble, and replaced with people who will do what they are told.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Congress approval or not, it has been shown that when given an order, people will blindly follow. Military especially.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Such a thing would have to go through Congress first. Can’t deploy without Congressional approval.

RocketGuy's avatar

They can disobey unlawful commands.

jca2's avatar

If I’m not mistaken, if a soldier disobeys an order, it’s called insubordination and they can be court marshalled and put in jail.

Working for the government, if you disobey, it can also be called insubordination and you could be fired for that. Not that every time someone disobeys, they get charged with insubordination but they can, depending on the importance of the order or how often it occurs.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Can you imagine how the states would look to the rest of the world if it actually invaded Canada?
The states image would be tarnished beyond repair, they would go from being seen as the good guys ,to the real bad guys.

JLeslie's avatar

They are supposed to disobey unlawful commands.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If every single soldier refuses…what then?
Um. Bring in Russian troops…

cheebdragon's avatar

You think 1 soldier is going to throw off the entire make believe plan?
Don’t you people ever get sick of fear mongering? No one is invading Canada.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trump has indicated he will several times @cheebdragon. He is that stupid.

Caravanfan's avatar

@elbanditoroso Declaration of war from Congress? I had to laugh out loud. Congress hasn’t declared war on anybody since WW2 and the US has fought in nearly constant wars in every decade.

MrGrimm888's avatar

During Trump’s first term, I listened to multiple people who were retired Generals and military officials, who were reassuring the public that if Trump wanted to say “nuke” another nation, the order would not be followed.
There was great concern at the time, as Trump was busy threatening North Korea, and others.
I know that’s different, from an actual invasion, but there isn’t going to be an invasion of Canada.
Trump doesn’t have remotely enough resources, to tackle all of his ridiculous desires.

ragingloli's avatar

Remember when that one guy refused orders to murder civilians in Vietnam, and targeted his gun on his comrades instead, telling them if they go after civilians, he will kill them instead?
He got vilified as a “traitor” by the whole country for decades.
The right and duty to refuse illegal orders exists on paper only.

JLeslie's avatar

@ragingloli I actually mostly agree with your statement, but if many commanders refuse or multiple soldiers it will be a different story.

ragingloli's avatar

And if my grandma had wheels, she would be a bicycle.

JLeslie's avatar

My husband uses that expression.

Attacking Canada is very different than attacking China or Iraq for most US citizens.

seawulf575's avatar

There are two questions here and the answer to one will decide the answer to the other. The first is whether Trump could invade Canada (or any country for that matter) without a declaration of war and without any previous act of aggression from the other country. The answer is no. So him ordering troops into that country without the war declaration from Congress makes it an unlawful order and as such can be ignored. That being said, it is highly unlikely that a lowly soldier on the front lines is going to make that decision. The chain of command between him and the commander-in-chief would all have to agree to the order as well.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III Show me the citation where Trump actually said he wanted to invade Canada. Not some left-wing nut job interpretation of something he said, but the actual words that he would use military force against Canada to get them under our control. You say he as said it several times so this should be easy.

Forever_Free's avatar

Trump saying this means nothing. The command has to come from a commanding officer.
This isn’t happening folks.

ragingloli's avatar

It will not be a “war”, it will be a “special military operation”.

ragingloli's avatar

Someone like a “commander in chief”?

Forever_Free's avatar

@ragingloli He doesn’t have that power.

Forever_Free's avatar

@elbanditoroso There is zero chance of congress agreeing to this.

ragingloli's avatar

He does not need the “power” to do it, he just needs people to go along with it. Which is why he intends to replace everyone in those positions with loyalists.
Plus he has a corrupt supreme court in his pocket, which can just declare that he always had that power, like they did with presidential immunity, or how they declared in the inverse, that federal agencies never had the right to regulate based on expert opinions, in lieu of detailed legislation on every single issue.
“Technically”, the holocaust was illegal even under German law, but with the Nazis in control of the judiciary, they just terminated any criminal prosecution that happened to spring up.
Which is basically what just happened with all the trials the Orangutan had these past four yours, right after he won the election. Even the one where he was found guilty, now has the sentencing delayed “indefinitely”.
That is the essence and purpose of Gleischschaltung, both back then, and today.

Forever_Free's avatar

@ragingloli I however am not going to believe or add to any fear mongering.

jca2's avatar

Did he actually say this was his intention?

That’s my first question.

My other thought is what has been said before – that he just talks shit and looks for attention. he knows how to get everyone talking. I see posts on FB where people say look at what he’s saying now, what about the economy, and all that? Let’s just see before we panic and make assumptions.

RocketGuy's avatar

It’s another Trump distraction. This time to take attention away from the Jack Smith report in Trump’s election interference.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s just him making shit up to get the attention he never got from Daddy.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf. To my knowledge, Trump has not threatened an invasion.
However, in a recent public appearance he was asked if he would rule out economic or military action, as a means of acquiring Greenland or Canada.
He said no, and repeated himself.
Trump claims, America needs them, and The Panama Canal, for “national defense.”

I was paraphrasing, but that is I believe where the military aspect arose.

As the planet warms, there will be new shipping routes, and exploration/mining of The Arctic Circle. As it was previously covered in ice, most nations with claim to the region have been subtle about their defense of it.
If Greenland/Danish AND Canadian claims to the Arctic Circle, become suddenly American territory, the US would have a “legitimate” claim, to a LOT of the newly navigable north.
The Panama Canal, is a similar situation. Whomever “controls” the canal, controls a large amount of leverage in global trade, and defense.
China, or Chinese companies, have been heavily invested, in taking over/acquiring seaports, and infrastructure in the region.

Trump’s sudden desires, seem in stark contrast to his “no wars,” and isolationist proclaimed agenda.

In my opinion, it’s far more likely Trump thinks of this, as part of his master negotiating skills.
There is little reality, in this being real. But the concept that suddenly America, is a expansionist military threat, is quite shocking to most.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think Trump intends to take Canada, but the real question in my mind is if he attempts it, will the Republicans finally completely turn on him? What will be the thing he does that they say, “wait, this is not what America is.” Or, that it will be so morally wrong to them they want to stop him?

My belief is most Germans during WWII agreed with Hitler and were ok with killing the Jews, disabled and gypsies and taking over other countries. Either fervently agreed or were fine going along with it. If memory serves he was voted in by I think 35% of the vote and then 45%. I’m terrible at history so feel free to correct me. I don’t know if all German adults were required to vote.

There were also a lot of Germans who disagreed, but I think the majority were either fully supportive or passively supportive.

The left absolutely uses scare tactics on any morsel they can find, a tactic learned from the right in my opinion. Trump knows it and loves it. As Democrats run down that road, Trump is doing something else for real that is worrisome and not getting as much attention.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Go back and listen. In that recent press conference he was asked if he would rule out military action in PANAMA and Greenland. Not Canada. AND let’s and listen to what the actual question was. “Can you assure the world that as you try to, uh, get control of these areas, you are not going to use military or economic coercion…” The question included economic coercion as well. That might be sanctions or tariffs and not military.

As for exploration/mining of the Arctic Circle: It doesn’t really matter. Yes, Canada has some territory in the Arctic Circle as does Greenland. But so do Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Russia. Oh…and the USA already. We aren’t going to invade those nations either.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@McGrimm…BUT it is PUTIN’S best interest to control the Panama Canal and Greenland. Canada would be a nice bonus.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Thanks for providing the quote Wulf.
Like I said, he never mentioned an invasion.

Dutch. The only thing better than owning something, is controlling the profits or power it has.
Putin is a part owner of Trump.
As long as he controls Trump, he doesn’t need anything official.

The Catholic Church, only has to take care of The Vatican.
But they sit on the wealth of the former Roman Empire.
They have sway over vast portions of Europe.
The Catholic Church understands that world leaders will hold faith over national interests.

China isn’t going to invade the Panama Canal. They are just going to buy as much of what makes ot work, AND “loan” Panama funds for expansion of the Canal with a massive interest rate, then collect when Panama cannot pay. China would gladly accept the Panama Canal, as repayment for their “generosity.”..

China has played a major role, in essentially gaining global power, through making insane loans to poor nations.

The CIA, and any number of American intelligence agencies, are already working behind the scenes around the globe, to protect/secure US interests.
That is not moral, by any means, but it is not SO stupid, as to publicly insult our soon to be former allies.

Right now Trump answers to only 3 entities.
1. Putin.
2. Musk.
3. The barely functional republican party, or more accurately it’s radical extremists.

In that order.

The American people, our interests, and the interests of global security, ARE NOT things Trump cares about.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m gonna be sick…

Pandora's avatar

Yeah, Congress has to declare war but its not clear cut. Of course I believe the criteria for the President to send troops anywhere would be that there has to be some actual threat of some kind. Like a President has to show that he’s sending troops against some terrorist organization. But not exactly a full on invasion.

I do believe he said he would make Canada the 51 state, but apparently he clarified and said he would apply economic pressure to make that happen. The Republican party is very much aware that people in the US are tired of war. However, I can see Panama Canal being something Congress may agree too since the US primarily paid for it to be built, however it was primarily built with Panamanians and the US turned over all control in 1999 to Panama, but a lot of critics think this is just Trump being Trump to divert peoples attention from his tariffs which he knows will only make things more expensive for consumers in the states.
Apprently he also wants to call the Mexican Gulf to the American Gulf as if that would mean we suddenly own it. Personally, I think he’s spitballing anything that can distract.

Probably because even with his conviction, which the Supreme Court has passed, Musk is getting too much attention. And Trump knows that words like War draw media attention.

seawulf575's avatar

@Pandora I don’t think Trump ever said he would make Canada the 51st state. What he said was that there were many Canadians that would want to be the 51st state. Big difference. And I believe he sad that as a troll on Justin Trudeau and his policies.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie, I would like to know what your orange god considers a lot of Canadians?
Because all the Canadians I know and what we see on our news no Canadian wants to be the 51state.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 my take is that Trump doesn’t care one bit if Canadians want to be part of the US.

This is naked aggression. Offensive (both meanings) warfare for the acquisition of resources.

Trump doesn’t want Canadians. He wants all the natural resources in Canada to exploit and sell them.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

^^^ That I totally believe.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I suspect that “a lot of Canadians” is just enough to troll Trudeau. However, that being said, I know several Canadians that all hated Trudeau so, there is that.

Forever_Free's avatar

@seawulf575 Canadiens battle the east vs west or French vs British influence. Please don’t start speaking about Canada now.
Even Elizabeth May can explain it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wow Wulfie, with your example there are more than a few blue states that hate Trump enough to break off and become a Canadian province.

RocketGuy's avatar

If Canada decided to invade the west coast, they would meet little resistance from the locals.

seawulf575's avatar

@Forever_Free Get over yourself. If you haven’t caught on yet, my take is that Trump was a troll. And he got a whole lot of you folks on the left with the troll. You all managed to change it and convince yourself into Trump saying he was going to invade Canada and make them the 51st state of the USA. Elizabeth May isn’t really even a serious contender to be the next PM. Like so many other countries in the world, it looks like Canada will likely elect Poilievre as the next PM…the conservative candidate. May’s left-wing party will likely not be the successor to Trudeau’s left-wing party.

As for not speaking about Canada, isn’t this question about Canada? Get a grip. You obviously don’t like me and that is entirely acceptable to me. I’m not all about trying to be everyone’s friend. But you should know by now that trying to shut me down generally revs me up.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wonder if any states will secede.

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