Social Question

XOIIO's avatar

I'm glad to see this site still kicking around.

Asked by XOIIO (18348points) 15 hours ago

Seems like it’s that time of, well, half decade to decade again when I randomly remember this website and the good times I had here so many years ago, damn.

I used to basically live here when I bought my first ever laptop/own computer, getting a huge wave of nostalgia.

I’m sure many people I used to know moved on long ago but I see some familiar names still active. I’m sure site traffic has gone down but I’m glad it’s being kept alive, and grumpyfish is being fed after all this time.

Maybe I’ll stick around for a while this time, who knows, but nice to touch back in to one of the better parts of the internet.

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4 Answers

SergeantQueen's avatar

Not sure you know me, I feel like I have seen you in some thread?

Either way, I am glad you are here. Try to stay if you want!!!! I am sure we would all love that :)

Welcome back:)

Jeruba's avatar

I remember you! Welcome back, to visit or to stay. Our numbers are small, our activity is pretty low, and Ben and the mods keep us going out of the goodness of their hearts. But we ain’t licked yet.

raum's avatar

It’s kind of like the little corner of the internet that Time forgot.

Thankful to Ben and the mods for keeping the lights on!

Welcome back!

smudges's avatar

I don’t know you but, look forward to doing so. Welcome Back! 8)

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