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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do any of you use CashApp?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) 2 months ago

I have a Paypal account but the person I want to send $ to doesn’t have Paypal. Plus PP charges a fee. Cashapp doesn’t. So where do they get the funds to stay in business?
Any info is appreciated.

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12 Answers

jca2's avatar

I don’t but I googled it and there are fees for some transactions:

I don’t use Zelle or Venmo or anything like that. I’m old fashioned that way. I feel like it’s one more thing that can be hacked, and one more thing to keep track of. I know these apps will all insist that they can’t be hacked, but to me, anything can be hacked. I get by with using credit cards, checks or cash. I don’t use debit cards either, just because I have credit cards, so I don’t see the purpose of a debit card, plus debit cards aren’t protected in the ways that credit cards are.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I feel that way too @jca2.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks @jca2. That’s what I’ve been looking for.

janbb's avatar

A taxi driver I used once said he used cash app but that’s the only time I’ve heard of it. I too have PayPal which I rarely use and don’t have Venmo or Zelle for the reasons @jca2 mentions. I do use credit cards and a debit card for things like groceries that I want out of my account right away.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Same. But the person I want to send to doesn’t have PayPal.
So I’m working on cashapp, making an all encompassing junk email account for stuff like this so I don’t care if I get ads for whatever I’m dealing with.
I started PayPal in 2007.

elbanditoroso's avatar

CashApp seems to be the cash software of choice for scammers. I wouldn’t get close to it.

I do use Zelle, and have never had a problem with it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks Zen. But that’s what they use.
I think I’ll send them a freaking check! Snail mail! Deal with it!

RocketGuy's avatar

I have PayPal, Zelle, and Venmo. They seem to work fine for person to person payments. I have an ATM card but have mostly used it on foreign travel to get local cash. I hate that it ties directly into my checking acct. One hack and my acct could drain out $200 per day.

janbb's avatar

I just read a news story in the Times about Cash App being fined mega-bucks for fraudulent practices. Apparently, Cash App takes no responsibility for refunding moneys that are scammed from people. I wouldn’t take part in it.

RocketGuy's avatar

On one hand if the money is stolen via hacking into the company’s system, the company needs to take responsibility for preventing it. On the other hand if the money is intentionally sent out by the account holder, it’s hard for the company to do anything to prevent that.

jca2's avatar

One of my relatives who has a job on Wall Street (which actually, is not on Wall Street anymore) told me it’s like throwing cash off the top of a 100 story building and asking the banker to go get it back.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I just told the recipient to make a PayPal account. So she did get the $$$.
They cried.
They got the VR goggles too.
They cried.

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