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MakeItSo1701's avatar

Do you find more comfort in the "science" or "religious" explainations of life?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13544points) 1 month ago

I am hesitant to ask this, because this is not an “is there a God” question. If you do believe in God, and that provides you comfort, you can still answer. I want to hear it. This is not meant as a debate question, is my point. It is purely personal beliefs, if you are comfortable sharing.

I have been pondering life a lot. So I would love to hear where other people come from. However, if it ends up being too much I can flag this question. I am not looking to start drama

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20 Answers

Kropotkin's avatar

I don’t find comfort in either, but the scientific explanations are more likely to be closer to truth.

canidmajor's avatar

Yes. Both. I look to science to help explain the wonder I feel about everything around me. I am amazed by it all, learning how and why just makes it all more wonderful.

ragingloli's avatar

The truth as discovered by science has always been the more interesting one.

seawulf575's avatar

I find comfort in both. I believe in God and consider myself a Christian. But believing in God, to me, does not take away from science and vice versa.

gorillapaws's avatar

Are you specifically talking about abiogenesis? or are you talking about things like evolution also?

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yes I do. I really dont care what anyone else thinks about, it works for me. I’m not that nice, I dont attend church, but I live by the bible. I dont even like most Christians tbh.

raum's avatar

I don’t believe in God. But I also don’t think science explains the universe necessarily.

It’s merely our efforts to codify what is happening in the universe. All of that existed before we put a name to it. Or observed the pattern in which it occurs. It’s a language with which to understand the universe.

I do find how we rein that knowledge as a tool to be quite fascinating. Not sure if I’d describe it as comforting though?

MrGrimm888's avatar

There are no logical religious explanations, for anything, in real life.

The beauty of science, is that it is not accepted, unless it withstands great scrutiny.
Science, does not hide from scrutiny, like religion does.

Science is also subject to change, if issues are found in it.
If issues are pointed out in regards to religion, it is stomped out. “Blasphemy,” is an offense, often punished by torture and/or death.

Not a single one of the world’s religious “artifacts” has every withstood the simplest of scrutiny. Most are never even allowed to be tested by scientists. The reason is painfully obvious.

The word “comfort” bothers me, as well. I suppose, I am comfortable accepting the results of scientific research.

It brings me great discomfort, to think of our world leaders trying lead the way they interpret their deity or deities would desire.

The OP, has been through a LOT.
THIS is when the religious will come for you. When they believe you are at your weakest and most vulnerable to their indoctrination.
They will offer acceptance, and love, as long as you accept and love what they do.

The plague of religion, is that people are the vessels in which these parasites infect others.

Religion is NO DIFFERENT, from a parasite, in that it only uses it’s host to spread to others, until it ultimately kills it’s host.

What a great scam. You do what I say, while you’re alive, and great things await you once you no longer serve the religion in death.

Wasn’t that the strategy of the lazy guy on Popeye? I’ll gladly pay you tomorrow, for a hamburger today?..

An organized religion wants your life, and your money, and the same from any of your offspring. It’s sole purpose is controlling people.

Surely we all just witnessed a conman use the Christian people of America, quite easily.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Oh ye of little faith. In my world God is using a businessman, con man, whatever label you want to put on Trump, for HIS will.
We are happy to be fools for Christ if thats what it takes. And just fyi thats 70 percent of all Americans.

ragingloli's avatar

Or he is testing you like he tested Hiob and Abraham, and you are failing miserably.

jca2's avatar

I believe in God, I’m not very religious and I rarely attend church (maximum once a year on Christmas eve lol) but i do find my beliefs comforting. I also find comfort in science and I rely on science for most practical things.

I also don’t make fun of or belittle the religious beliefs of others, neither in real life or on websites.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli He has communicated directly with me before so I’m sure He could again, if that was the case.
He literally told me my mom was dying and I drove during an ice storm to break in her door. It wasnt the first time either so my belief in God is the most solid belief in my life.

RocketGuy's avatar

Science-based solutions are repeatable, so if science has a solution for my problem I’d go with it.

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli So let’s review those two cases. Job and Abraham were indeed tested by God. And they abided by what God had told them and they passed the tests. And they were rewarded in the end. However, it might be said that he is testing those on the left and they are failing miserably.

Blackberry's avatar

You can and should do both. People on here know I was a vehement atheist, but in my older age I’ve calmed down and believe in the universal nature!

tinyfaery's avatar

I don’t find comfort in either.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Comfort in the religious.
Acceptance of the scientific.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Blackberry You can still be an atheist, and have great spiritual beliefs. Many do.
Atheists, simply don’t believe in a deity or deities.

I’m actually really glad “tests,” were brought up.
What “test” does an African child that is born with HIV, then raped and thrown in boiling water by drugged up teenagers working for a warlord pass or fail?
In America, children die before they even open their eyes too.
The insinuation that we are all “tested,” is completely ridiculous. Furthermore, it often also infers that people who suffer from random (scientifically explainable) circumstances, may somehow “deserve” their “punishment.”

If there are people whom believe this is not only true, but the work of a “loving” deity, I am extremely jealous of their power to be SO willfully obtuse.

The willfully ignorant, are indeed blessed. But not with the abilities to pass tests. They are blessed with the strees free life of ignorance.

IF there IS a test, then to me, religion is the trap. The wrong choice.

The obvious correct choice, would be not to accept the MANY lies of men, and to instead believe in one’s self.
For if you do think things through logically, you are exponential more likely to make good decisions, than if you are expecting a “greater power” to guide your way.

In addition, a theist not only must believe in lies meant to enslave them, they also make great efforts to deny real facts, regardless of the evidence.

This question, would be VERY different, if there were even a single solitary piece of evidence to support ANY religion.
There is NOT.
And as I said, “religious items,” are NEVER given over to the scrutiny of science.
We ABSOLUTELY have most of the technology available, that can at least discredit ALL of the world’s religious artifacts…ALL of them…

Given the fact that people KNOW, Santa Claus is a religious conspiracy, and let go of Santa, but keep the other lies, illustrates just how much people build their lives around lies...
It’s a REALLY tough life, and I totally understand wanting it to mean something, and wanting it not to end, because mortality is scary.
Yet a “life cycle/span” is constant, for even the largest and most powerful objects in the universe.

Humans predate even polytheism, by hundreds of thousands of years.
As logic goes, polytheism would make more “sense.” But then, those religions have to divide the faithful. Monotheistic practices, are THE easiest way of controlling large amounts of people, by giving them an omnipresent god (like how they use Santa to control you as a child.)..

I would LOVE to be wrong.
It would mean more than I could possibly articulate, IF I “knew” or even believed in God(s) and an afterlife.

However. When things are WAY too good to be true, they are ALWAYS a scam.
If I had my money invested in a stock that was as nonsensical as Christianity, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night.
Bernie Madoff, promised investors a constant return and profit. He scammed SO many people, because they wanted to believe him and gain wealth.
But. As reality does, it came crashing down. Madoff was lying, to control people’s money… His tools, were a simple unrealistic promise, that if scrutinized, would have led people to not being scammed…

The FACT that the Christian Bible, has been changed SO many times, and often by tyrants, makes believing the current versions even more unwise.
As far as Trump, he made HIS version of the Bible too. Made in China, like a true Patriotic Christian would have done.
Trump sounds EXACTLY like a “false profit.”
But even that revelation, can only come from the mind of someone who already believes in “real” profits.
There is no proof, in prophets either…
Just that humans were given these titles, by other humans…

There IS proof of life being on Earth. And that it began billions of years before there were even monkeys to evolve into humans.

And what of the dozens of other human-like beings, that roamed the Earth with humans?
What happened to their “creator?”

And if course, the most obvious question; “if a deity made everything, what made the deity?” That is question, that could go infinitely into the past…

ragingloli's avatar

Even god with his omnipotence could not make a more obvious antichrist as the Orangutan, and they are still falling for it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yes. They’re often VERY gullible people, his supporters…
That doesn’t make them bad people.
But you can see the problem, with letting organized religions run wild. In America, their houses of worship, are tax exempt.
Sooo. America IS a socialist country, that has been ultimately paying Christian churches, to indoctrinate the public.
And THIS, is the very sad result.
The people who wrote the US constitution, went to GREAT lengths to keep religious poison seperate from a very real country and it’s workings.

Unfortunately. America’s founding fathers, could not forsee things like the internet, or modern firearms.

I’m sure it never occurred to them, that something as potentially positive as the internet would one day be able to reach millions or billions of people, and just lie to them.

This is how Trump originally gained popularity with his followers, by constantly bombarding the conservatives with mostly baseless or completely false “information.”
In turn, the gullible people, spread it to other gullible people. Just like they do, with their religious beliefs…

Religious freedom, is important to a nation that aspires to be “free.” Unfortunately. People usually go to church, before they attend a real school.
They are constantly being brainwashed. Their parents, and communities, keep pushing the lies constantly, and that inevitably leads to a person who will believe what they are told.
The perfect conditioning, for using people and their offspring, and so on.
Just like Santa, it doesn’t matter how foolish it is, most people contribute to that conspiracy, and it’s ONLY purpose is to get children to “behave.”
The problem with that, is it doesn’t take long, before a child can reason that Santa is not possible. Because, like Christianity, it’s ALL a lie.
But. How do you control adults, that just can’t possibly believe in all the nonsense?
Well. They were raised to be gullible…
With the framework in place, as far as having faith in Santa’s existence as long as they were born, a person is well positioned for a life of being kept a slave.

That former fear/awareness, of the omnipotent Santa, makes a perfect transition to people thinking that “God” is now the omnipresent one, that needs to be impressed…
Fast forward to 2015–16. Trump running as a republican, chased ONLY the religious conservatives. Well. Also the “contemptible fools, and unrepentant racists.” Like Trump’s new boss, Elon Musk refers to them as, and apparently Trump agrees…..

NOBODY thought about voting for Hillary, because NOBODY was going to vote for Trump.
Even if people didn’t like her “deplorable” admission, Musk thinks worse, and he’s in charge of Trump now…

If you watch coverage of his rallies, they are not so different from the traveling tent churches, that preyed upon small towns whilst traveling in the early 1900’s. Lots of extreme behavior, and acts involving planted spectators, and of course LOOKING FOR MONEY, ya know…for God. Not us! We people, don’t want money or power, oh no….
It took very little time, for the scum of the Earth merchant’s (whom made millions selling racist shirts and helping destigmatize racism) to include the Christian cross, in almost ALL of their merchandise.

Gullible people, who were transfixed by the bright colors, and the very angry man talking who must be important, were in love. They spread the news of whatever Trump said that day, as gospel ro one another.
Then, you mix in tribalism, gaslit by Trump’s lies and dehumanizing of non-whites, and the fact that the whole country really has been struggling (trying to support our wealthiest Americans,) and if you followed ANY of Trump’s fanbase they eventually started worshipping Trump. NOT GOD.
These poor gullible people, taught to be that way from an early age, fell for the God upgrade. Like they moved on from Santa, to God, they moved on to Trump.
They wear crosses, and proclaim to be Christians, but they let Trump step all over their former beliefs.
He even finally, made his own Bible, complete with “patriotic” country music lyrics and covered in the new colors of former Christians; red, white, and blue…

The conservatives teach their children, to be gullible. Not to even think, about questioning certain things. They send their grown up kids into the world, ready to be brainwashed, by the first person to try…

Trump’s sheep have (and will) go to prison, or die for him.
I just can’t see those people, doing things like J6, for God…
Because they didn’t.
They are changing, for the worse. Changing into hateful people, who are angry all the time about whatever they have been told to hate…

Trump’s victims, almost don’t belong in a discussion about any religion.
They may “believe” in God, but they worship Donald Trump.

Today’s conservatives, cannot think, for themselves. That’s what they ALL have in common.

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