There are no logical religious explanations, for anything, in real life.
The beauty of science, is that it is not accepted, unless it withstands great scrutiny.
Science, does not hide from scrutiny, like religion does.
Science is also subject to change, if issues are found in it.
If issues are pointed out in regards to religion, it is stomped out. “Blasphemy,” is an offense, often punished by torture and/or death.
Not a single one of the world’s religious “artifacts” has every withstood the simplest of scrutiny. Most are never even allowed to be tested by scientists. The reason is painfully obvious.
The word “comfort” bothers me, as well. I suppose, I am comfortable accepting the results of scientific research.
It brings me great discomfort, to think of our world leaders trying lead the way they interpret their deity or deities would desire.
The OP, has been through a LOT.
THIS is when the religious will come for you. When they believe you are at your weakest and most vulnerable to their indoctrination.
They will offer acceptance, and love, as long as you accept and love what they do.
The plague of religion, is that people are the vessels in which these parasites infect others.
Religion is NO DIFFERENT, from a parasite, in that it only uses it’s host to spread to others, until it ultimately kills it’s host.
What a great scam. You do what I say, while you’re alive, and great things await you once you no longer serve the religion in death.
Wasn’t that the strategy of the lazy guy on Popeye? I’ll gladly pay you tomorrow, for a hamburger today?..
An organized religion wants your life, and your money, and the same from any of your offspring. It’s sole purpose is controlling people.
Surely we all just witnessed a conman use the Christian people of America, quite easily.