In what year did you first vote?
For whom did you vote?
Otherwise, what candidates were on the ballot?
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7 Answers
For me, it was 1968. I was 21, and voted for the Pizza & Freedom candidate, Eugene McCarthy.
Also on the ballot:
Ricardo Nixton
Hoobert Humperdinker
Now I’m wondering if a revived RFK would have defeeted Ricco Nixious.
My first election was in 1976, the year I turned 18. I voted for Jimmy Carter. That’s all I remember about the ballot.
My guess is that Gerald Ford was also on the ballot.
I first voted in 1972, for McGovern. A dramatic exercise in futility.
1984 and I was feeling old until I saw the other answers.
2019, it was April, and like 5 months after I turned 18.
And I do not remember. I think it was a local vote for town leadership, and all of the options only had one person.
@SQUEEKY2, does my answer change that?
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