No rational person, would expect a for profit company, not to be privy to profiting.
The problem is the greed, which drives the desire for continuing or increased profit, regardless of circumstances.
In most cases, things new things are very profitable at first. Then the demand is met by imitation products, and overall sales make manufacturing cheaper. When the market for a product decreases, the big time corporations don’t want to hear it. If their current CEO, can’t keep profits at a certain level, or even have an overall consistent raise in profits, a corporation will just find a CEO that can.
This almost always results in quality reduction, and people notice.
Take car dealerships, for example.
There are thousands of unsold $100k-$220k SUVs, and pick up trucks sitting on lots around the country.
Why are cars SO expensive, all of a sudden?
A $200k truck, is a $50k truck, with $30k options, and an almost 100% dealership mark up.
Some will only let you finance a vehicle through the dealerships bank. So they are hitting you multiple times.
The dealerships, are in a terrible situation now. They can’t give away, these vehicles. So. They try to incentivize customers by offering more for trade ins, and better financing. Often however, these incentives are simply not enough.
Not to mention, the quality of some of these vehicles pales in comparison to a 30 year old vehicle in value.
It turns out, people aren’t lining up for the Cybertrucks either.
In response, Musk had to slow production.
Slowing production, is usually done by not working your employees as much.
Employees, trying to make $950/month car payments also, and of course struggling mightily economically.
This means less spending of disposable income, and more spending using credit cards with high interest rates.
If it weren’t for the dems and Biden, the pharmaceutical companies would charge whatever they wanted for insulin.
When times are tough, a normal person cuts back on non-essentials, and hopes for things to improve, so they can one day return to the good ol days.
Corporations, especially in a capitalist society, don’t feel that way. There are NO excuses, for not making constant or increasing profits. Many small businesses, cannot simply dictate the prices for their goods or services. In tourist towns, people live large during tourist season, then scrape by in the off-season. They are playing the hand, they are dealt.
As we saw in 2008, greedy corporations, not only don’t have to be fiscally responsible. They usually profit, from mistakes their greed brought them.
Those banks gave people WAY too many loans, that weren’t realistically going to be payable.
I read the other day, there are over 900 million credit cards in American people’s names.
So there are exponentially more guns, and multi-thousand dollar debts, in America, than people…
The wealthy have ALWAYS leaned on the middle class. Now. The middle class is shrinking with each day.
The MASSIVE disparity in wealth, IS THE number 1 problem.
It is not remotely sustainable, to chase record breaking profits.
It has repeatedly gotten people into great difficulties.
There IS such a thing, as good enough profit. Where everyone wins.