Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do introverted class clowns exist?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) 2 months ago

Just wondering.

Humor and serious answers welcome.

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17 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yes, I was one. I am only extroverted when I feel safe/comfortable, otherwise I tend to be a quiet observer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Class” clown?
No. Not in my experience.

Dutchess_III's avatar

In one class I subbed in there was a truly hilarious student. His name was Chris.
I only let him live because he was a good kid, smart, did great school work and he did stop when I told him to. He didn’t go out of his way to disrupt the classroom just to get attention, like some kids did. He was hilarious.
One of my class rules was that during discussions only 1 kid at a time could talk. That kid “Had the floor,” and everyone else had to pay attention and not interrupt. 3 minute time limit.
About a month later I got called back to that class for a long term, 6 week assignment. (JOY JOY HAPPY HAPPY!)
I was sitting at the desk greeting kids when they came in.
They had spread the word that I was BACK and they were happy.
Suddenly this one kid came BURSTING through the door, and threw himself on the floor and slid about 10 feet, on his stomach, to his desk.
I stared at him, my mouth open, and said “Chris! WHAT are you doing??”
He stood up, dusted himself off and said “Now I have the floor forever, right Ms. V?!”
I rolled my eyes and said “Just siddown!”
He could see me laughing with my eyes, and he just grinned and sat.
As usual he didn’t do it again and didn’t draw it out.
We just got to work.
Not an introvert!

smudges's avatar

Yep, I was one.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^So you guys never tried to make the class laugh?

gondwanalon's avatar

That was me. On graduation day from high school a teacher that I had for a science class told me that he enjoyed my droll, sarcastic sense of humor.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yes. I’m a Level 10 introvert, but I find it easy to get other people talking and laughing. I take 6 exercise classes every week, and my health club nickname is The Mayor. Nobody notices that I share nothing meaningful about myself; they’re too busy being engaged. People love it when someone pays attention to them.

Forever_Free's avatar

Absolutely. I was one of them in my youth.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Not really, no. Some of us are naturally funny.
I am the person at the DMV who commiserates with others in line and hears their whole life story without asking. Happens at the gym, grocery store, everywhere I go. But I do not seek it out. My husband is the chatty Cathy who makes the effort, and he teases me about my ‘new friends’.

MakeItSo1701's avatar


I got stuck on a bike trail for an hour while some dude told me his life story and his brothers.

My mom and I were trapped at a gas station while some dude told us he landed F-15s on the highway, and that he likes to bite his wifes butt.

I think it is because we seem very polite. I never cut that conversation off, was too nervous. People overshare to me all the time.

To answer the question, I made a lot of jokes in school but am an introvert.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s one thing to be naturally funny as part of your personality. And sure that comes out among family and friends. It’s just who you are.
But the question wasn’t “Are you funny?”
It was about being the class clown which is a different personality type than just being funny.
Class clowns are more often just attention seekers, and often more annoying than funny.
An introverted person wouldn’t stand up in the middle of class, and fart in the teacher’s general direction, yelling “Let’s see if I can hit the teacher HAHAHAHA!”

smudges's avatar

In 3rd grade I guess we weren’t being quiet. The teacher announced that if she heard another peep out of the class that she’d do a handstand. Class clown that I was, I quietly said, “Peep!”. She good-naturedly attempted a handstand in her skirt and blouse and got a big laugh. We loved her. She’s one of the few teachers I remember from grade school. Mrs. Davenaugh sp?

Like some others here, I consider myself an introvert, but enjoy making people laugh.

I remember this question from the past, so some of you may remember my answer LOL

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SergeantQueen Yikes. I’m sure youre a great listener. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Excellent @smudges! But the teacher set ya’ll up you know. She needed to change the mood of the class. Humor is the best way.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was in a 4th grade class once and I’d finally had it with this one disruptive kid. I angrily escorted him to the door and told him to sit in the hall!
I had on a long, cotton swirly dress.
I turned and angrily slammed the door behind me. Tried to march back in the room and was pulled up short. The back of my skirt was well and truly stuck in the door. My anger evaporated, and was replaced with something else.
Of course the kids started quietly giggling.
I backed up and marched again.
Nope! Stuck.
Kids were starting to lose it but trying so hard not to because a few seconds before I’d been SOOO mad.
I looked around like I was confused, then backed up and started “running!”
Hit the end of my rope but kept running, my feet sliding and running and running and I was bent at the waist I was running and running so hard!
Kids lost it, of course!
I turned and walked to the door with GREAT dignity, opened it slightly, and swirled free.
Then I looked over the room, at the kids on the floor, and with great dignity I said, “I was stuck.”
I was laughing inside too and the kids sensed that and just relaxed and howled!
Oh it was superb! It took me 5 mintes to get them back!
But I got em back and the rest of the day was great.

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