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Dutchess_III's avatar

Did you ever solve your sock problem?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) 1 month ago

It’s universal. Too many, not enough, and none match.
I finally did. I started buying only white socks of the same size, with a particular sewing pattern, and just threw the clean ones in a cardboard “Sock box”.
The kids had to dig out their own everyday.

It was so successful that I graduated to one particular drawer in an antique dresser I had, but we always called it the “sock box.”

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15 Answers

Zaku's avatar

I’m currently doing a pretty good job of herding my socks, I think.

janbb's avatar

My socks are also well behaved except for that one…..

Blackwater_Park's avatar

About 4 years ago I bought packs of identical socks and tossed the others in a similar box. Problem solved.

Forever_Free's avatar

Solved it. I don’t wear them anymore.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Y ain’t in Kansas @Forever_Free!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I have a sock drawer. I use the force, and fish for what I need

Brian1946's avatar

Yes, I did.

When I’m unloading laundry from my dryer and I see a sock, I put it aside and connect it with its twin when I find it.

If I still have any unpaired sox, I search my bedding items, in case one them swallowed the stray.

janbb's avatar

When the kids were younger, I used to have a clip that I would clip singles to until their mate reappeared.

Dutchess_III's avatar

WOW! ^^^you guys were organized!!

RocketGuy's avatar

Or you could just accept wearing mismatched socks. Among my hiking socks there is one pair that is a slightly different shade of green. I had been randomly wearing those socks occasionally mismatched. I recently upgraded the light bulbs in our laundry sorting room to be less yellow. Now I can tell the shades apart.

Zaku's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 “I have a sock drawer. I use the force, and fish for what I need”
– I looked at that and thought, “What’s he doing with fish, to find socks?” (My eyes are watery and I didn’t see your comma.)

Lightlyseared's avatar

I bought a large number of identical black wool socks and always have a pair

Dutchess_III's avatar

When I started buying white socks across the board the 3 kids and I wore roughly the same size.

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