Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is Trump trying to isolate the States from the rest of the world?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23623points) 2 months ago

The way he has alienated all the States allies, just wondering if isolation is his end goal?
Could the States survive if they isolated themselves from the rest of the world?

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77 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Yes, but not the whole states. Only Republicans. He wants to make it great again (MAGA) when privileged ,straight , rich, white, men where in the 50’s.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But…but…all the black people love him! Remember?!

Zaku's avatar

He’s doing his stupid version of what he can remember of what his Russian handlers told him to do. The trying is the Russians trying. They’re trying to break up NATO and cause the US to collapse in as many ways as possible.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We have checks and balances in place to stop it, don’t we @Zaku?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Not when voters want a republican congress…
Or Jo Bondi as his AG…

Yes. If the government functioned as designed, it wouldn’t matter which party controls congress.

But. The Republicans are going to try and push as much through as possible. Trump is wildly unpredictable, AND he’s no spring chicken either.
He could do something SO heinous, that even he couldn’t get out of it.
Or. Apparently someone who thinks he doesn’t support conservative values, may try to kill him. Again…

They really love having Donny at the helm. They can blame everything on him, when it goes sideways…

ragingloli's avatar

He wouldn’t be threating to annex Canada and invade Greenland/Panama if that were the case.

seawulf575's avatar

I don’t think so. He is addressing how many of the other countries have used the USA and how we spend so much on other countries when we have many problems here at home. Wanting to work with others instead of for others is not isolationism.

Forever_Free's avatar

This would assume that Trump even has a clue to what he is doing.
That stated, the answer is NO.
Case closed.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

No. The is trying to keep U.S. hegemony from slipping any further

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Remember he is for MAGA – - Make America Great Again – - – - (America in his terms if white, Anglo-Saxon, straight, ultra rich. Fundamentalist, that send him cash . . includes Fright-wing rich man Co-President Musk) ! !

Y E S !

Dutchess_III's avatar

Mistake America Goddamn Again???

Zaku's avatar

@Dutchess_III As @MrGrimm888 rightly replied, in theory, but now we see how those work out in practice. And sadly, in theory several of those checks and balances have already failed.

In theory, Trump should be, at least:
* Punished for endless emoluments violations.
* In prison for abusing diplomatic pressure to get Ukraine to prosecute Hunter Biden for personal political reasons..
* In prison for inciting an insurrection.
* In prison for other conspiracies to try to overturn the 2020 election, including trying to get a state governor to “find votes” for him, on tape.
* In prison for stealing & selling top secret US military documents to foreign agents.
* In prison for his numerous felony convictions.
* Not the chosen candidate by the GOP leadership or for voters, because of all of the above, and his sexual abuse, and his general idiocy, constant lying, and other terribleness.
* Not able to undermine things like the border deal with Mexico while not in office.
* Being held accountable by free press journalism.
* Not allowed to be certified as President, because he’s a felon.
* Not allowed to have stacked the SCOTUS with corrupt partisan justices.
* Not be supported by lockstep-voting majorities in both the House and Senate.
* Prevented by the military from undermining its high command by a clear agenda to install dictator-style loyalists.
* Prevented by the national intelligence agencies from installing moles and leaking secret information.
* Prevented by law enforcement agencies from replacing their leadership with Trump loyalists in a clear attempt to create dictator-style police thugs to persecute political opponents.

And so much more.

Ya, it should all be stopped. But it should have been stopped years ago.

seawulf575's avatar

@Zaku Will all the efforts they put against Trump, if any of those things were real, he would be in jail.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But Wulfie your hero is above the law, stacking the supreme court , and other judges, everything is down played so much the Document case anyone else would be rotting in jail not Trump nothing more than an over due Library book type thing.
Telling the lie of immigrants eating pets over and over.
I know he can do no wrong in your eyes, how about the election lie of getting food and gas down for the average person ,LIE all you had to do was look at his tariff plan could see that was never going to happen and that lie pretty much got him elected.
Wulfie it isn’t a secret that you hate the Democrat party, but you know one thing at least they are still a politcal party unlike the Republicans that have turned themselves into a cult.

Zaku's avatar

@seawulf575 No. They’re all true. I don’t believe even you believe they are all untrue.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^ that. Wulf isn’t stupid.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Let’s review: Why was the documents case thrown out? Oh yeah…Jack Smith’s appointment was ruled to be unconstitutional. That means everything he did, from search warrants and raids, Grand Jury empaneling and presentation, indictment, court filings…all of it was bogus. Why was Jack Smith’s appointment unconstitutional? Oh yeah…he wasn’t nominated by Congress and approved by Biden. Why wasn’t he nominated by Congress and approved by Biden? Three reasons: it would have taken far too long to get all that done, he might not have been selected, and they were trying to say it wasn’t lawfare and that Joe Biden had nothing to do with it. Special Counsels in this country have to be nominated, reviewed and approved by Congress as part of the advise and consent, and then approved by the POTUS. Garland knew that and knew of all the reasons he couldn’t go that route. So he played a chance. Unfortunately for him someone made the motion to dismiss him in front of the judge. Smith COULD have been used, but it would have required him to work with direct supervision from an approved person like a federal prosecutor or Garland himself. That would have done in the argument that it wasn’t biased and lawfare. Not to mention it would have made no sense. He could have just appointed an existing federal prosecutor but, again, that would have still showed obvious bias and lawfare. Garland wanted Smith because Smith was not part of the government and therefore it could be claimed that the Biden administration had nothing to do with the prosecution.

So yeah, the documents was totally b.s. and got thrown out. And let’s be completely honest: the whole point was to try keeping Trump from campaigning, much less winning. It was lawfare. It is exactly what the Dems are now trying to accuse the Repubs of wanting to do.

As for the Dems not being a cult? Are you serious? Go back and look at just about any vote in congress for the past 12 years. They vote as one voice on just about everything. No matter how ridiculous the bill, they are backing it if it was put forth by the Dems. That is cult, not political party. Now, go back and look at the voting record of the Repubs. They almost never vote as one voice on anything. They are more voting their conscience as politicians should be doing. That is a political party, not a cult. As usual, you have it all backward because you don’t want to admit the truth. Not that it matters to you, you are Canadian. By the way, how’re your cultists doing?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree Dutchess I am going to be sick.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So attack the prosecutor saying it was bogus,doesn’t mean the crime didn’t take place, but anyway the orange freak can ooze out of it might as well take it.
and totally ignore the other points I get it, like I said he can do no wrong in your eyes.
and threatens to annex my country I take offence no way do I want to be part of the states.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Sorry Wulf.
Why would you even bring up, Trump’s Judge’s unique interpretation of the constitution, as if it has merit?

You need to include THAT, in your descriptions of reality.

Speaking of cults, how are you doing, with Trump’s abandonment?..

Or did you secretly hope, Trump would be bought by a South African?

To a theist, Trump’s being brought in must have looked like a Manger scene huh?
All the wealthy people bringing gifts, to buy their portion of Trump, couldn’t have been written better as a parody by “the deep state.”

Your last response, was extra ridiculous, even for yourself.
I hope you are coping with this abandonment better IRL.
A monkey chained to a type writer makes more sense, than your anti-left rants.
The dems want you to have free healthcare, affordable housing, an education, and you conservatives HATE them for it.
I know most of you are disturbingly uninformed and worse, willfully ignorant, but do you like read your own material?
You don’t hold yourself to your own standards, and in regards to politics, you are unrealistically biased.
That’s what a cult, is all about.
Blind loyalty.
And whether you’re aware of it, or not, you (like others) worship your leader. And wow, does ANYTHING 100% factual about him, enrage you.

Unlike conservatives, I can’t say I’ve EVER pushed lies, like you conservatives have.
I go after Trump, for things he’s been recorded saying/doing, or publicly proclaims.
Never once have I, or any other jelly, hit you with something as stupid as *space lasers, Hillary eating babies and running child sex rings out of Pizza Hut, the conservative that shot Trump, MUST have been a democratic special agent in deep cover, Biden is trying to steal the presidency! And these aren’t even jokes. Conservatives reelected MTG, AFTER the Jewish space laser thing!
It’s pretty clear, it takes a special type of brainwashing, to be SO deep in denial…To just completely ignore reality…

I forgive you Wulf. You’re definitely a victim. Just don’t give up. If you go full MAGA, let’s just say some people’s heads cannot be removed from their asses after too long without air.

I know you aren’t an “unrepentant racist,” OR a “contemptible fool.”
I’m sorry. I bet Trump, really hurt your feelings.
Who among us though, has not been had?
It happens. You trusted a false profit. Your real God, will forgive you too…

seawulf575's avatar

And….I see reality is being ignored once again. You all didn’t want justice, you wanted political violence. You just wanted someone arrested and jailed on bullshit charges, by illegitimate prosecutors, at the behest of political leaders who are not concerned with rule of law. Welcome to the 3rd world.

How can you all not see how corrupt and dangerous that is? How can you not see the danger it presents to you?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You poor man….

seawulf575's avatar

^I’m not the one dodging reality.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I wonder how much it cost to buy 10% of Trump,?
$40 Billion is less than 10 % of Musk’s net worth . . . !

How much of the DOGE cost reduction ($120 BILLION). will be liquidated and sent to the Trump White house and the money disappears like his New Jersey Casinos ?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 The US Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 is the Appointments Clause. It gives the ground work for appointing “officers” for the US government. The Supreme Court has interpreted this to be split into two parts: Principal and Inferior officers. Principal Officers have autonomy and full power of the office to which they are appointed but they have to be nominated by the POTUS and approved by Congress. Federal Attorneys fall into this category. Inferior officers are those that are working under principal officers. They typically don’t have full, unfettered powers and are reporting directly to the principal officer who is responsible for their work.['clause']

When Smith was appointed, Garland tried playing both sides of this coin. He wanted someone he could call a Special Counsel…a person imbued with complete authority and autonomy to avoid the appearance of bias and impropriety, but he wanted to appoint him as if he was an inferior officer. Can’t have it both ways. It should be noted that he was not the first and will likely not be the last to do this. Unfortunately for them, it was challenged this time. When it is challenged, the court is required to make the determination. In this case he was found to be an unconstitutional appointment based on his unlimited powers (those of a principal officer) without the proper appointment methods being followed.

To put it in perspective, how would you feel if Trump took office and then just named all his cabinet members without going through our methods of nomination and approval? You’d be outraged and claim he was Hitler or some such nonsense name calling, but you’d be right that he was doing it illegally. But that is exactly what Garland did. He created a position that didn’t exist, appointed someone from outside the government to that position without using the legal appointment methods. So is it your stance that only Trump has to follow the rules and that the Dems can do whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want? That is what you apparently believe.

And when the legal methods are used to challenge the illegal appointment, you want to focus on “Get Trump” over “Follow the Law”.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Thanks for your rationalization for the Convicted Felony for selling his office . . . !

Hope all the people receiving VA benefits won’t mind reduced payments to pay for the mass deportation of ALL people of Brown Skin (even if they are fourth generation US citizen).

I think he will have to give a Presidential pardon to Barron and couple of his kids because their mothers were not US citizens.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Thank you for rationalizing your bizarre behaviors. I just pointed out how Smith’s appointment was unconstitutional. It isn’t me rationalizing Trump for anything, it is me trying to explain reality to a bunch of folks that have no interest in it. You are okay with breaking the law provided it goes after Trump. You are to dimwitted to realize that someone that would so blatantly break the law to go after a political rival in this country has not respect for the law and would just as easily bury you if the whim took them.

Please, for the love of God, take these discussions to your therapist so he/she can see how out of reality you are. Don’t do it for me, do it for you.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Doesn’t mean your turd hero didn’t break the LAW ! !

I know everything Trump does is okay in your world. SMDH

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Exactly the frightwing will find any loop hole, the prosecutor wasn’t brought in legally so Felon47 is innocent.

ragingloli's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 “the prosecutor wasn’t brought in legally”.
Only according to a corrupt judge with no basis in law or precedence.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

BUT – - – - Judge wasn’t bought legally either.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ah but the Judge was a Trump man so that doesn’t count.^^

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 The prosecutor wasn’t brought in legally so, in this country, the entire case from start to finish is tainted. As it should be. He was acting as an agent of the government but wasn’t an agent of the government. None of his actions were legal. Again, are you suggesting that the government should be able to just do whatever, including violating the Constitution, any time they want? I want an answer to that one.

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli “Only according to a corrupt judge with no basis in law or precedence.”

Why was the judge corrupt? SHE went through the proper channels. She was nominated, she was vetted by the Senate…she is legit. So why is she corrupt? What is your proof?

As for the basis in law, I just showed you the basis in law. It is our Constitution. Something you are probably not familiar with in Germany. I even gave you citations to let you see not only what the Constitution said, but also some of the back story of SCOTUS rulings on its meaning. So what is your beef with it in Germany? Just trying to be a good little Marxist and interfere in US actions?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 The Judge wasn’t a man. That shows me exactly how little you even know about any of this. The Judge was Eileen Cannon…a woman. Not a they/them, not a gender fluid, but a woman. She was nominated by Trump but the two have never met except possibly in this case. She was nominated because someone told him she had a good record which he reviewed and nominated her. Go back to crying about Justin resigning up there.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump’s judge in Florida reminds me of Doctor “Bone spurs”, that Fred. Trump bought off and after Donnie was safe from going to Vietnam, the Doctor maybe became a member of an exclusive Country Club that Fred Trump was a member.

Bone Spurs diagnosis a favor to Fred Trump

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The documents case doesn’t matter any more, guilty or innocent a pardon and it’s gone.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Sorry Wulf.
You can play your broken record forever.
Smith’s appointment was NOT unconstitutional, until a Trump appointed Judge Cannon, made her highly anomalous ruling. To ANYONE with even a fraction of reasoning, it is crystal clear, the corruption on full display.

The very ruling brought calls, for SCOTUS oversight.
More than one SCOTUS judge, has already publicly voiced concerns about whether the nation trusts it’s highest court.

Just to make sure you can’t keep dodging it.
Trump does NOT care, that his puppet master called YOU “hateful, unrepentant racists,” and “contemptible fools.”

I LOVED Musk’s speech, at Mara Lago!
“Poll finds Musk and Trump are viewed roughly the same by Americans.” That’s a recent article from PBS.

I suggest you start getting comfortable Wulf, with the fact you essentially campaigned and voted to elect Elon Musk.
A South African.
You apparently mat not understand, but South Africa is a longtime ally of Palestine. (Your favorite people.)
Far worse though, Trump WILL have to decide how to shape the relationship with South Africa and the US. Currently, the Soith African government, may be viewed as a risk to national security.

Wulf, I’d like you to watch Musk’s face, when he occasionally watches his billion dollar rockets explode.
He doesn’t care. Sure, it would have been better of it didn’t explode, but “shit happens.”

Do you honestly believe, that after 3 months of playing Trump like a cheap fiddle, Musk would care if America failed? Or. Would he view it more like just another investment that didn’t work, and move on to his next plaything?...

It’s a jagged pill, to swallow. But you were used, and you played your part well. You ALWAYS defend Donny. I can understand, why it must hurt so, that he has thrown your interests to the curb, not even a week into his term…

He’ll still try to somehow deport 20 million people “quickly.”
That should be smooth, and certainly Trump wouldn’t completely bail on his biggest campaign promise AGAIN, right?
I honestly expected Trump at some point to tell you he will return funding to his wall. You know, the one he promised you in 2015, and Mexico was going to pay for it.
You mean it was a great idea 4 years ago, but not now? Solely because Trump abandoned the project?
You don’t seem to support ANY real ideas, you just support Trump. And AGAIN. You’re only human, you are forgiven.

You can continue to support Trump, like a good victim.
I’m curious, what’s in it for you though?
“Musk’s American Great Ambition.” Is THAT, what MAGA stands for now?

Musk thinks you, and you’re offspring, are not smart enough to replace the foreign workers here. I think he’s right.
I think he’s harsh on you guys. Harsher, than me, anyways…
Musk couldn’t care less, about your interests, and you know that. That’s why Trump, was here in my neck of the woods (SC) rambling about his complete lack of understanding of both how buoyancy works, AND how electric boat owners would essentially have to choose between being electrocuted to death, or being killed by sharks, that apparently follow EVs…
Then like a week later, he’s in a Cybertruck, with a right-wing content creator.

That must be the “stable” part, of Trump’s “stable genius.”

How about you Wulf? How did you survive in a submarine that had batteries? The sharks didn’t eat you?

No matter what I say Wulf, I am happy that you ARE finally supporting a smart person.

Speaking not as a hapless “dem,” but a “Trump should never have been POTUS” person, it takes a LOT of the sting out of Trump’s election, seeing Trump bought by such a smart guy.

The fact Steve Bannon is calling Musk racist, is PURE joy!
You seem to have the Civil War you wanted Wulf. But. It’s inside the former republican party…

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Sorry, Hoss, that “anomalous” ruling was submitted by several legal scholars well before Judge Cannon’s ruling. And it is based exactly on what I explained. I know you don’t want to believe that the Dems could ever do anything wrong or that the media would lie to you. But get over it. As for the rest of the wall of words, I’m ignoring it.

Forever_Free's avatar

Sounds like his goal. Put everything in the States hands and then sell off the States that he doesn’t like.

seawulf575's avatar

@Forever_Free Just how would a POTUS go about selling off states? And why would they? I’d love to hear the step by step of how that would get accomplished.

Forever_Free's avatar

@seawulf575 I’d like to see how you back any of Trumps real statements.
Remember these things that Trump has said:
In Springfield, they are eating the dogs. They are eating the pets of the people that live there.
Harris want’s to get rid of your cows.
Price control is a communist plan.
If Jesus came down and was the vote counter, he would win California.
Hundreds of millions of people will come into the country if they are not stopped.
Every job created in the last 4 years went to illegal immigrants. Actually it was 107%
Biden was pushed out because of the 24th Amendment.
Schools are sending children off for sex changes.

Step by step explain any ONE of these.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah, Wulfie please explain any of those, plus I really want to know how a trade deficit becomes a subsidy?

seawulf575's avatar

@Forever_Free So you can’t actually back up the bullshit claims you make. Got it. Kinda what I thought. Instead you want to try deflecting. I don’t play that game as you well know. Besides, I’ve played that game before and know what happens. What I would do is to go through all the things you want to deflect with, not accept your version of the statements since lefties are grossly unreliable about quoting things accurately. I’d then go back and research each and every one of them, come back with the ACTUAL quotes with appropriate context, explain it all to you and the response I would get is some personal attack with more deflection. Want proof of this? I’ve addressed several of these in previous threads and things played out exactly as I said.

Let’s play a little game. I’ll take the last one on your list and explain to you where your interpretation is all wrong. Trump never said “Schools are sending children off of sex changes”. Show me the actual quote. You can’t because it never happened. What he has talked about is schools trying to push transgenderism on students even into elementary school. They have worked with lefty governments to do this while excluding the parents. When I pointed this out before I showed several states that had passed legislation making it a crime for parents to try interfering in things like this.

But folks like you are not sharp enough to do your own homework. You believe whatever the flavor-of-the-day lefty outlet tells you to believe and you react to it. You never question it.

So now, I’ve explained one. Now you tell me how the POTUS would go about selling off states. Your turn. Or are you the chickenshit I believe you to be?

Dutchess_III's avatar

They do love their walls and mockery, don’t they.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I know Duchess he will ignore the fact that felon47 repeatedly said the immigrants from Springfield are eating the cats, and dogs, he later added geese to that one.
The one I saw he was on a stage when he said the children are getting sex changes in school without the parents consent, but Wulfie can’t explain it so will either deny it, or say us lefties took it out of context.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 As predicted, you can’t actually support your claims when I pull up the facts. You have no problem ridiculing me behind the scenes, but you can’t actually support the bullshit that is being said. So instead you try to deflect, deflect, deflect.

Gonna tell me how that was somehow not real? Or are you just going to try deflecting again?

seawulf575's avatar

@Forever_Free I’m still waiting. You jumped right in the first time I challenged you so I suspect you have seen what I wrote so I’m waiting for you to dodge and evade again. God knows you won’t actually say you were wrong!

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOLL @SQUEEKY2, right?
He is SOOOO freaking stupid.

I fact check. And that showed me video of those absurdities coming out of his weird mouth

OTOH, that rumor went around in 2016 about trump saying Republicans are the dumbest group of voters, turned out ito be false.
But God! Who needs false rumors when even more stupid, ridiculous stuff than that actually comes out of his weird, stupid mouth?

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III Wasn’t it you that I had the discussion about transgenderism being pushed by schools? At the time you swore up and down that Trump said schools were performing transgender surgeries. I called you on it then and you swore you had seen a video but couldn’t be bothered to find it.

And who needs false rumors? Apparently you do. You keep pushing them.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie what made you believe that story ?
People afraid for their safety, and yet the mayor was on the news saying they need these people and have had no trouble with them.
But you don’t believe that.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Remember @SQUEEKY2 It is a “false rumor” when the the Tangerine man gets caught with pants down and the video cameras AND tape recorders are while he vomits lies and untruths to rile up his fourth grade educated followers…..........

Dutchess_III's avatar

Guys, I found the video where he says that but I’m having a hell of a time linking to it. May be my phone.
Can somebody give me a hand?

Forever_Free's avatar

@seawulf575 I wasn’t making any claims. I was throwing out something out as ridiculous as Trump. That is the reality of this all.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I know @Forever_Free this all shit we have heard felon47 say, yet his loyal sheeple say it was taken out of context, or simply deny it being said.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And when confronted with the facts they squeeze their eyes shut and sticking fingers in their eyes yelling “Na na na na na na! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I give you a news report about it that has a link to the 911 call and you don’t want to believe it because the lefty news reports tell you otherwise. Why DON’T you believe it?

seawulf575's avatar

@Forever_Free You WERE making claims. You were claiming Trump would put everything on the states and then sell off the states he didn’t like. I asked you very simply to explain how that could even happen, even if he did want to do it. You dodged by handing me a whole wall of things Trump supposedly said which were, by and large, exaggerations from the left. You challenged me to explain any of them and I did.

So what you did was to throw out a lie and pass it as a reality. When clocked you dodged and when clocked on that and thenchallenged on the original lie again, you now say you made it all up as something as ridiculous as Trump. You are right…your answers here ARE the reality of all this. Bullshit that isn’t able to be backed up and evasion when challenged on it.

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
Tropical_Willie's avatar

You know she recanted after the Police approached for backup info – - – - RIGHT ?

Pet eating never happened expect in the minds of the Trump followers ! ! !

She lied just like . . . . Clairol “Strawberry blonde” and Man-Tan bronzed man-boy (your hero) !

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Apparently you don’t bother with citations I provide. No big surprise. It was a MAN (he/him) that called 911. The 911 call is an official record. You know that happened…RIGHT? I did give you the link to see it and hear it.

Response moderated
Response moderated
Tropical_Willie's avatar

“Official record” by a fraud – - – police have NO PROOF – - – that any legal aliens were catching and eating dogs or cats ! ! ! Show me where the police say that the FRAUD actually happened !

Just. some deluded Tangerine followers want to believe.

I can call 911 and claim you have a two dozen guns and plan on killing all the Democrats in your town . . does not make it so !
But it called Swatting.

Even if you want to kill them.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Shit Wulfie you still believe Joe, and Hunter are guilty of that 5 million dollar bribe that turned out to be totally fabricated.
While you expect us to believe every fright wing “fact” you throw at us, we are not to believe anything we see or hear on the news unless it leans to the right then it’s “fact”.
Yet according to you we are the stupid ones.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Ramaswamy kicked pulled from DOGE, an agency that hadn’t even existed yet!
ALL Musk driven, now…
Contemptible fools.”
Unrepentant racists.”
I’m glad that at least a man I agree with, is running things. Well done Wulf.
We’re still fucked!

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 ??? Now we are onto DOGE? Let me ask you a question: do you seriously believe that our federal government doesn’t waste tons of money? Everything they spend money on is vital and none of it is ever wasted? They are models of efficiency? If you believe that, I think you live in a bubble. If you don’t believe that, then why are you so upset about someone setting up an agency to identify all the waste, fraud, and abuse that takes money away from things we could need?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Look at the DOGE ending health and Veterans payments.

”“BREAKING: Stunning new reporting shows that Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy’s DOGE plans on cutting $119 million in Veterans healthcare benefits. This is terrifying,” reads one viral post. “Incoming member of the Trump Administration, has announced plans to cut $120 billion in Veterans health care. RETWEET to let the American people know what they voted for!” says another.”.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Did you read the article you posted? The money that is looking to be cut is money that is still being sent for programs that are no longer operable. So who is using that money and how? There is no accountability for that money because there is no legal reason for it to be there. The article title is misleading given what they report in later on. Is the money being pulled from VA Benefits? Yes. Because that is a huge umbrella under which many programs exist. The money they are looking to stop sending is for the programs under that umbrella that are already no longer authorized. So if Congress believes they need those programs again, then they need to reauthorize them.

Part of the problem is that our POTUSs and our Congress no longer feel budgeting anything is necessary. With things like this money, it all goes into things like the continuing resolutions Congress rushes to at the last minute to keep the government running. They throw things like this in because it is under the umbrella of Veterans’ services. So they dicker over all sorts of things and then leave this $120M in the budget for someone to spend somehow. That isn’t how things are supposed to be.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf. As always, we agree on the problem. Not the solution.

I wouldn’t make a pedophile, a school security officer, to protect our children.

Would you hire a plumber, to roof you house?...

I’ve constantly opined, that Musk is a great mind. But his problem, is he only sees things from the top of the world.
He has NO idea, what the people he will be vetting even do, or what their agencies do, or how they work to make the entire machine run.
He is disturbingly unqualified, for the role in which he was appointed. Ramaswamy was SUPPOSED to be Musk’s partner in this cost cutting venture, because Ramaswamy actually understands some of how the government works. It is NOT a billion dollar EV, or space program. The differences, could not be greater.

It would be different if Musk wasn’t using Trump, for his own profit. He’s already used Trump to attack Tesla’s competitors.
That’s good news for Musk, because people aren’t buying his stuff in Europe, so his only real market is the US.

Think of if Taft, or Wilson, had appointed Henry Ford, to the same position.
He would have used/abused his position, for the profit of his companies.
While Ford did promote The League of Nations, he also HEAVILY promoted antisemitism.
He promoted antisemitic ideologies in his newspaper “The Dearborn Indepent,” and he even wrote a front page article called “The International Jew: The World’s Problem.” He even opposed US entry into WWII, even though vehicle manufacturers, would profit greatly from building war machines…

I KNOW you aren’t stupid enough, not to see what’s happening.
As I said, you don’t support ideas, you support whatever Trump’s flavor of the week is…

I’m case you are mentally impaired, I will explain to you, that they are not cutting spending to help the country.
They would bankrupt the country quickly, if they could they could transfer the money to themselves.
They need America to be a golden goose, not a one time treasure. The oligarchy, that attended Trump’s inauguration, and why, should shame ALL Americans.
Trump can’t just keep taking money from the poor, they don’t have it.
But Trump’s primary goal, over all others, was to pass his tax cuts for the wealthy AGAIN.
The problem is, if he steals another $3 trillion, the country will go belly up if it came from just the poor like last time.

So. How cam Trump still give that money, to the people who pit him there? Well. There’s a LOT of wasteful spending in the federal government! Let’s take that, too!

Of course, the federal governments needs a massive overhaul. ALL government branches, and agencies, NEED a total rebuild.

But brining in a greedy South African billionaire, with NO ties to America, and NO understanding of how things work, is an act of malice.

As Einstein said “you wouldn’t judge a fish, by it’s ability to climb trees.”

In other words, things do better in their lane. Musk, despite his intelligence, is completely out of his element in DC. And you know it.

Yes. We’re onto DOGE. Musk is trying to change America’s currency, to bit coin. I HIGHLY dangerous, and risky proposition, that would weaken the US exponentially worldwide as the US dollar would no longer be THE world’s currency.
It would be Musk’s currency.

So. Trump has “under” him, the 6 men, that control 100% of the world’s media.
If Trump let’s Musk talk him into changing over to bitcoin, the wealthiest 6 men in the world would control global currency, and ALL media.

The fascist current administration, has exponentially compounded the damage they have just begun, by allowing Musk, to give the Hitler salute (twice) during Trump’s inauguration…

Wulf. NONE of this, is what Trump said he would do, before 3 months ago, when Musk bought your corrupt idiot.
Yes. He will try the mass deportations, but combining the deportations of certain ethnic groups with the Hitler salute, is indefensible.

You used to protect this country Wulf. What happened, to that man?
You won’t even stick up for yourself, when Trump let’s Musk shit on you...


seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 But here’s the difference between DOGE and your examples of pedophiles or plumbers: you are talking about putting people in positions where they can act directly on things. DOGE is an advisory group. They have no statutory power at all. What they will do is identify where the waste, fraud, and abuse is and send the recommendations to Trump or to whatever department needs to adjust to correct. It isn’t up to them to change things. They cannot hire or fire a single person, they cannot demand their suggestions are followed.

And that is where someone like Musk is perfect for that job. He is an impartial observer and he has a mind that looks for efficiencies and streamlining.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Ahah! I was waiting for you, to contradict yourself.
You sat he’s perfect, buy admit that your greedy Republicans in congress, are highly unlikely to give Musk’s advice ANY attention.
This is just another way, to try to steal money from the US, and funnel it to the wealthiest.
The problem there, is congress aren’t the wealthy elite.
So THEY, will attempt to gain favor for their reelection hopes by appearing to stand up to for the millions of federal employees that would lose their jobs. Trump is in. He can’t get in, again.
Like Trump has used YOU, and discarded you.
So will the parasites in DC, stop kissing up to Trump.
In several years, when Musk’s list of cuts is complete.
I expect the congress, to appeal to their constituents, FAR more, than Trump.

In THAT vein, Musk’s entire Trump backed mission, is in itself a massive waste of federal funds, and resources.
A recent article in “Fortune,” states “Elon Musk is planning a rude awakening for federal employees but monitoring their every move.”
What do you think Wulf?
To me, “monitoring the every move” of 94% of just over 3 million people that are federal employees, sounds expensive.
Doesn’t it, to you?
And if it will ultimately just be a cow with no milk, it IS designed to waste tax payer dollars.

This, is indefensible.
You are telling me, that the way to save money on federal employees, is to hire more federal employees to monitor the 3 million employees, just for congress to boo hoo it down the road?

Musk is not getting cash in hand, but his ability to harm his competitors in his many businesses, is priceless.
One could easily argue, had Musk not succeeded with Tesla in North America, he would not have had another market.
So Tesla, that helps float his other projects, would fail.

This is the symbiotic relationship, between Trump and Musk. It’s an extremely simple dynamic..
Musk buys Trump, and uses X, and even a lottery system for republican voters, to elect Trump and in return, he can almost guarantee himself success. Remember, Trump JUST pulled the oversight, for AI. That means Musk has NO oversight, in researching AI…

Trump? Obviously, Trump HAD to win, or he WOULD be going through the many trials, for his many alledged crimes.

No itchy backs, between those two…

Admit it Wulf, this is WAY beyond what you voted for.
I NEVER once, heard you say a word about annexing Canada, Mexico, Greenland, The Panama Canal, and Trump essentially declaring war on the cartels south of the border means OUR military, WILL be making unannounced, occasionally incorrect, bombings, in the sovereign nations of Central and South America.

Where are ALL of the troops, that are supposed to fight the cartels, AND piss off the entore continent of South America, AND secure the border, AND hunt down 20 million illegals, AND deal with an almost inevitable war with China, AND protect Israel from the ME, AND stop Russian and Chinese advancement in the Arctic, AND protect our VERY large global network of military bases, and embassies across the world?

Trump has a plan alright. He just needs a 3–4 million strong active military… That sounds cheap too…

No wulf. Trump will AGAIN steal from YOU, as much as I, except he doesn’t refer to me as a

contemptible fool,” or ”unrepentant racist.”

They are LAUGHING, at people like you. You are NOT, one of them. I’m fact, as mentioned in multiple other threads, Trump is going to cut Healthcare for veterans, like YOU.
He WILL give YOUR hard earned money, to his wealthy “friends.”..
And that doesn’t bother you?

seawulf575's avatar

^Sorry hoss, you jumped the gun on your logic. I said he’s a great choice but said nothing about greedy Republicans in Congress. In fact, it is more likely that the obstructionist, bloated government Dems will be the ones fighting against any recommendations to clean up the government. Now, factor that in and try your wall of words again.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You don’t have to say it Wulf.
You know it, like we both know the grass is only greener on the other side, because it’s fed with bullshit. You’re aware of that…

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