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MrGrimm888's avatar

Could language, affect the way people's heads are shaped?(Details. )

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) 1 month ago

Long story short, I was recently trying to say some things in Mandarin. I speak English. I spoke German as a child, but can’t anymore. I speak some basic Spanish, but get lost by fast talkers.

Anyways, with that background in mind, I struggled mightily with exact pronunciations of the Mandarin language. Many of my struggles were from the way I had to move my tongue deep down my throat, while saying it right.
It’s logical, as to why some Asian people struggle with English. They have to move their mouth, totally different. It’s physically uncomfortable, for me to do Mandarin.
Because of a life of western languages. I think my throat, mouth, and temple muscles, are like too weak.

If an isolated group of people lived together and spoke the same language for many, many, generations, would the language change their head shape?
Or if you say you spoke a different language your whole life, would you look different?

I guess this is mostly, hypothetical. But, I was curious if any else, had an opinion about this…

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