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canidmajor's avatar

OK, Jellies, New Year, new titles! Anybody reading cool books?

Asked by canidmajor (21722points) 6 hours ago

I am rereading stuff I haven’t read in a while, just as sort of a palate cleanser before I start new books. Julian May’s Pliocene Exile series with aliens, time travel and cool prehistoric beasties has an unfortunate allegorical connection to modern happenings (not evident in 1981 when it first came out) but is very entertaining, nonetheless.

How about you?

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6 Answers

janbb's avatar

“James” by Percival Everett. Is excellent. It is a retelling of Huck Finn from the enslaved Jim’s point of view. There is a lot about code switching which would be relevant to the discussion on here of Ebonics as well.

Caravanfan's avatar

I’ve started reading the entire Dune series in order starting with The Butlerian Jihad.

Demosthenes's avatar

@Caravanfan I’ll be starting God Emperor of Dune some time this winter.

I’m currently reading Beartown by Frederik Backman, as well as Alice Munro’s Open Secrets.

Considering that my TBR is now over 700 volumes and I generally read about 30 books in a year (mostly novels), I will have to prioritize. Next up is The Temple of Dawn by Yukio Mishima.

canidmajor's avatar

@Demosthenes I have that same dilemma! I have so many TBR titles in the queue that it’s a bit overwhelming.
@janbb James is in the top ten of that pile.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

When Brooklyn Was Queer

All about the history of sexual minorities in Brooklyn beginning with Whitman.

SergeantQueen's avatar

I have a few I am wanting to start, mainly Star Trek books.

But right now, I have been flipping through Smithsonians “Atlas of Space” , “The Planets” and National Geographics “Space Atlas” (which is similar to the Smithsonian, but has more charts and maps.)

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