Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What do you know about the food Jell-o?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25055points) 2 hours ago

Is it an acronym?
What does the “o” mean?

Tell me more, please.

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3 Answers

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It’s made from gelatin, I guess Jell-o is a play on that. In case you did not know what it actually is… collagen from animal skin and bones.

Jeruba's avatar

It’s older than I am.

Molded Jell-o salads used to be a dinnertable commonplace. In the 1950s, recipes were in women’s magazines. For certain occasions they were a must in my mother’s scheme of things.

I loved them, especially the pineapple and shredded carrots in lemon Jell-o. But I never did like plain Jell-o . . . it was too jell-y. There wasn’t much to do with it besides squishing it between my teeth.

YARNLADY's avatar

Jello is high in sugar and low in fiber, so not a very healthy choice. According to their site, the o was simply a popular saying, as in Daddy-o and kiddy-o

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