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elbanditoroso's avatar

What's your opinion of taste between Coke (regular) and Coke Zero? (If you don't drink cola, don't waste our time)

Asked by elbanditoroso (33751points) 2 months ago

I am not a big cola drinker – maybe one or two cans a month. Up until this weekend, I drank ‘regular’ Coke. On Sunday I tried Coke Zero – I was pleasantly surprised.

Coke Zero seems to be the closest taste to regular Coke that I have found – much better and closer than Diet Coke.

What’s your opinion of Zero?

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35 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve been been drinking Diet Coke daily for 40 years. It’s my only source of caffine. When I drink regular Coke it’s like drinking syrup. I find it gross.
Ive tried Coke 0. It was like drinking brown water. I mean a great big ZERO!

gorillapaws's avatar

Like @Dutchess_III I prefer Diet Coke to Coke Zero, but I also don’t care for regular Coke, it’s WAY too sweet.

jca2's avatar

I prefer Caffeine Free Diet Coke, or Diet Coke. I don’t drink regular sugary soda unless I’m desperate and there’s nothing else, but if there’s nothing else, I usually will choose plain water.

I have had Coke Zero and it was ok but offhand, I don’t recall the flavor enough to comment on it. I’ll get some soon and comment.

Caravanfan's avatar

I prefer Coke Zero to Diet Coke. And they are both better than the Pepsi products that are offered.

Dutchess_III's avatar

WAY better than Pepsi!

gondwanalon's avatar

When I was young I liked regular Coke OK. Then I discovered Tab and got totally addicted to it. God how I loved that stuff so. Was very disappointed with Diet Coke (I considered Diet Pepsi somewhat better).

Can’t drink any caffeinated beverages nowadays because caffeine triggers my heart arrhythmia.

PS: Be aware of ordering a “coke” at an Ecuador restaurant. They’ll likely bring you cocaine tea.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Coke Zero Ya ! ! !

smudges's avatar

They’ll likely bring you cocaine tea.

Want a cheap ticket to Ecuador.

(Are you serious? In this day and age, or sometime in the past? Isn’t it illegal?)

gondwanalon's avatar

@smudges Quito, Ecuador about 12 years ago you could buy cocaine tea in restaurants. I was having dinner at a restaurant there with my wife. The waiter asked what I wanted to drink. I said, “coke”. The waiter gave me a blank look. Then I quickly clarified, “CocaCola”.
Yes even today cocaine tea is legal in Ecuador and Columbia.

gorillapaws's avatar

@gondwanalon I’m filling that away in my mental folder titled “probably won’t ever come up in your life, but be really glad you remembered this if it does come up.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ right?!

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I rarely drink coke but I prefer the real thing. Especially the South of the border variant with cane sugar. I don’t understand how so many can stomach the fake sweeteners. It tastes nasty to me.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I have tried probably every variation of coke, and the diet and zero ones are nasty. But I feel that way about any diet or zero soda.

Just putting this out there: You can buy coke made in Mexico at the grocery store (at least by me). I will tell you this, that will make even regular coke taste gross. I can’t drink regular coke anymore.

Edit: just read BlackwaterPark answer after I posted, but I am seconding it anyways. Sorry for the redundancy

Dutchess_III's avatar

I drink Diet to avoid the sugar/calories.
Would Mexican Coke still be better?

JLeslie's avatar

I was a Cocaholic for many years, and when I cheat and have Coke again I LOVE it still. I’ll try Coke Zero and let you know. Diet Coke definitely doesn’t taste like the real thing, and fake sweetener is typically dry in my mouth and throat.

@Dutchess_III Mexican Coke is cane sugar.

Strauss's avatar

Regular Coke guy here, always and forever. Mexi-Coke uses cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.It seems their flavor recipe is slightly (barely perceptibly) different.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Coca-cola in Mexico has become culturally significant. It’s everywhere there. They know exactly how it should taste.

janbb's avatar

I loved Diet Cherry Coke which seems impossible to find nowadays. I did have a can a day habit for a time but stopped some years ago. Now I drink Diet Coke occasionally, usually about once a week with a slice at my pizza parlor. I don’t like to drink calories but I also find regular Coke too sweet. Coke Zero isn’t usually available at restaurants and, as I said, I stopped buying soda for home consumption.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@janbb….you could buy a deal of cherry syrup and add a shot.
When I wanted cherry coke I’d do that at the fountain/ coffee area. But I saw it as adding unnecessay calories so I didn’t do it very often.

jca2's avatar

When i was a teen, we’d get vanilla Cokes in the diner. They’d add a splash of vanilla extract to a glass of Coke, et voila.

Lightlyseared's avatar

My understanding is that regular and diet are basically 2 completely different drinks where as Coke Zero was formulated to match the taste of regular coke as closely as possible.

As European US regular coke is pretty undrinkable where as US diet and zero taste pretty similar to what I was expecting. Never tried Mexican coke even at Epcot as I was too busy enjoying the Beverly.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Speaking of Cherry Cokes – if you go to Waffle House (a uniquely southern institution!) they make their own Cherry Coke by mixing the cherry syrup in, not the premade stuff. Tastes better.

(and don’t forget the hash browns… prepared with hundreds of variations

elbanditoroso's avatar

They make the cherry coke mixture while you wait, not pre-bottled like a can or a container.

Dutchess_III's avatar

How is that different than just getting a canof Cherry Coke?

Strauss's avatar

In the 1960’s, when I was a teen, I worked at a soda fountain at the local Walgreens. We would get the syrup, pour it in a machine which was connected to the CO2, and voila! fountain Coke. Then we could add cherry, vanilla, lime, or other syrups to flavor the Coke. There was a trick (a hack in today’s lingo!) where you could dispense the syrup only from the Coke machine.

I also became an expert on making ice cream sodas, sundaes and real hand-scooped milkshakes!

JLeslie's avatar

Not a fan of Cherry Coke, I would much rather have a Shirley Temple. I thought Coke was bringing back Cherry Coke once social distancing was over post covid.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What would Cherry Coke have to do with social distancing @JLeslie?

smudges's avatar

^^ Yeah, what she said!

JLeslie's avatar

@JLeslie Coke had something about less staff in the factories in the name of social distancing, and so they reduced the variety of what was being produced. Not sure if it makes logical sense or if it was just an excuse? I saw similar things at DisneyWorld (I live an hour from DW) that menus were trimmed down at restaurants during covid. Some of the menus never expanded back to their former selves and some did.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You talking to yourself again @JLeslie?

JLeslie's avatar

Lol. Oops. I think most likely it just wasn’t selling very well.

Strauss's avatar

Another historical perspective!
Back in the eighties, Coca-Cola decided to retire the “Classic” and started selling what was known as “New Coke”. They also started selling Cherry Coke at the time. Previously it had only been available at soda fountains,

Dutchess_III's avatar

I remember Coke Classic. It was supposed to taste like original Coke, but it didn’t. It was just nasty! The New Coke was nasty too.

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