First off. If it gets back to the neighbor, it will likely be war, to whatever degree.
An ex-cop, is a civilian, no different from you.
I would call the Police. Show them the footage. Maybe act like you are first watching it, and notice it’s your neighbor.
It’s always best, to plant an idea in someone’s head, so they think it’s their idea.
The Police SHOULD take special interest in the case, specifically because it’s a former LEO.
There ARE plenty of good LEOs out there.
We have values. And to some of us, another one of “us,” doing something illegal and of poor character, motivates us to go after the officer.
Internal Affairs, shouldn’t be involved, if he’s indeed an ex-cop.
Keep in mind, you did not force this grown man, to do this.
One thing that EVERY LEO knows, is ”actions have consequences.”
I used to say it ALL the time.
I’ve personally fired many other LEOs, from my venues I used to work. I have ZERO tolerance, for unprofessional behavior by a LEO. Fucking ZERO.
Guys like that, are THE reason, we have problems with the public. We are NOT a gang.
Although some departments, do act like it. And have deserved, negative reputations.
It’s unlikely, he will have a serious problem over it.
I would tell thr investigating officer, you would accept a personal apology, in lew of charges. That’s theft, or vandalism. He’ll have to at least, have an uncomfortable conversation with real LEOs.
Like many conservative bigots, and overall wastes of life, they feel empowered and emboldened, by this administration.
The more we resist, the less likely it will become a norm.
If you do nothing. Why wouldn’t he take something else, if he felt like it.
Personally. I don’t care if it’s a stick of gum. Stealing from ME, has consequences.
I WILL have, what I call ASSHOLE competitions, with neighbors.
I have forced at least 4 families to move.
Not through violence, usually.
Just constantly calling the police about things, getting it documented.
And I usually become a VERY loud person. At my old apartment, years ago now, my next door neighbor was a total jerk.
The landlord, was no help.
I tried to be nice. I always start, with nice.
Eventually, I cut my exhaust system off, as close to the headers as possible in my old Ram truck with a 5.9 V8.
So it was WAY worse, than even straight pipes.
It definitely sounded, like a Blackhawk helicopter, every time I started it up, or came home at 3–4 AM.
In addition, I had an Olympic bench set, and would work out late into the early morning, clanking weights.
And I eventually spit on his car hood, EVERY day. (He threw his cigarette butts on my windshield.)..
When he would park in my space, I would park behind him, and make him have to ask me to move so he could leave. Unfortunately, I ALWAYS took forever getting that done, so he was constantly late.
I made it a point, to try to make noise 24 hours a day. And I would beg him to swing in me, if I saw him. The landlord didn’t want us fighting, nor did I.
But this guy was an older, fatter version of me. Big guy, so he thought he was tough.
I am happy to report that he decided to move away, after 8 months. 2 months of him being a complete asshole, 6 months of me out-assholing him.
Unfortunately. I wager that ex-cop, thought little of you. He will only continue to walk on you.
Trump reaffirms their stupidity, daily, so that won’t help.
If I were a current LEO, I would ask if you had confronted the individual, about your concerns.
As this IS, a neighbor thing, we don’t want to start a Hackfields and McCoys blood feud…
But honestly, I wouldn’t expect good results, unless I went with you in uniform to act as a liason between you two.
More than anything, I recommend you at least get it documented at the local PD, that this guy has stolen from you.
In such matters, the first person to call law enforcement, can have an upper hand.
Many bad neighbors, rely on their being a bully. Once the cops get involved, it’s a real problem, that the gentleman will HAVE to address.
At the absolute minimum, I would document this and/or any other interactions or actions by the guy, so that if it gets into a legal issue, you have been building your case.
Another way of handling this, offer him a beer. Make a friend, if possible.
If he’s not a bad person, he will feel guilty about it. Don’t expect a confession, but you can absolutely “kill ‘em with kindness.” Sometimes…
Good luck.
But plenty of people got in trouble for stealing Trump signs, as they should have. SOOOOOO…....