A two headed baby, and the fact it comes down to a choice, galvanizes the fact that there is no such thing, as a Loving deity.
For lack of a better word, I do believe in a “soul.” Spiritually, I am certain, that “everything that breathes,” has a “soul.”
Indeed, an…...“energy,” that is not there, then is, and clearly leaves it’s vessel, in death.
The more we have studied biology, the more we have grown to understand that most animals, insects, etc, are “conscious.”
Many animals, have passed tests, that we use to gage how something understands it’s environment. Things like, can it tell it’s looking at it’s own image in a mirror.
This is typical done, by marking the animal with something visually different from their normal appearance, and if the animal tries to get it off by seeing it in the mirror in theory it understands it’s seeing it’s reflection.
EVERYTHING, in my opinion, is exponentially “smarter” than we are able to understand.
We are developing ways to get data, on how things view the world, through their own senses.
So. Here’s where it gets tricky.
A vessel (body) can maintain homeostasis, without the advanced parts of our brains.
We know this, because unfortunately people become what is referred to as “brain-dead.” Where the heart, lungs, etc, still function, but the vessel is (I believe) often empty.
Recently I read an article that was reviewing a study, where they experimented with people in multiple states of unconsciousness.
They found, that some patients, responded to certain stimulus.
Apparently, they would speak to the unconscious person, and at some point, ask them to squeeze their hand. I don’t recall the exact percentage, but something like a third of the patients, “responded.” Leading many doctors, to think maybe some of these people are still salvageable.
But I have seen a couple people, in comas, that (to me) felt like empty vessels.
My 18 year old friend, was “unplugged,” when I was 19.
I didn’t spend a LOT of time, with him in the hospital. He was in the highest level of the ICU. Visits were very short, like I got to see him, for 30 seconds.
His head was wrapped up, but I could see some of one of his closed eyes. He was….badly injured…
Looking back, I believe he had been gone. His “soul,” his energy, or whatever, had left.
In quantum physics, we are learning about particles that seem to flicker in/out of our universe. We are witnessing these things, but have little to no understanding of what’s happening.
As crazy as it seems, the most logical theory, is that we indeed are in one of possibly infinite other universes. In quantum physics, the laws of physics, are expected to be slightly different, in each universe.
Being born, or dying, could be a matter of dimensional travel.
Rather than a light turning on, then just going out…
Our “souls,” may come from another universe, and either return, or travel to the next universe, where the soul will take another physical form.
It’s important to note, there was once “no life.” At all…
The first and most extremely basic life, began almost at the same time as the planet came into existence. An arts I just read, claimed that we found very early ingredients of life 4.5 billion years ago.
However that “life” got here, it showed up, while Earth was still a volcanic Hell scape.
So a “soul,” as I think of them, must have existed before the vessels they “inhabit.”
Souls may “reproduce,” or split like cells, because no matter how many things are alive at once, there are no shortages of souls.
Should we eventually spread to Mars, and slowly through the galaxy, each “colony,” would likely eventually flourish and if we have several planets, with several billion people and other animals on each planet. There will still be enough to go around.
Another possibility, I kind of enjoy, is that we are actually ALL the same energy.
1, single “soul,” that simultaneously inhabits every living thing. In that way, our physical vessels, would be like “flowers” on a “soul tree.”
Flowers (physical vessels,) come, and are part of the whole, then when the vessel dies, they fall away, no longer connected. But the “tree” never really loses anything.
If we look at the universe. Nothing “dies,” but everything changes. Even matter that enters a black hole, is not destroyed, but adds to the mass of the black hole.
“Information,” alledgedly cannot be destroyed.
The example most given is if you wrote a book, and then destroyed it, you would theoretically be able to reassemble all of the book, including the writing, from whatever it became when it was destroyed. Obviously, with the right/hypothetical technology…
As we further explore the quantum world, we can see that there is actually no such thing as “nothing.” There is the human word “nothing,” but the concept does not exist in nature.
Even if we found absolutely nothing, that would be something…
A soul, is far more, than a battery for a vessel. I think…
It is what we really are. Not what you see, in the mirror.
What some people can see, in the eyes…I believe, I see it in people, animals etc. Other times, I “feel” it.
There was the “21 grams” experiment. But that is not accepted in the scientific community. And IS likely the result of some human error.
There are times, when I wonder if the universe itself, is “alive.”..
Perhaps, that, is the energy inside of us….......