^I’m ALWAYS nice, to especially the people whom empty the trash.
I’m sorry you are only able to see, one side of it.
Such places, are hunting grounds, for organized religion.
Anywhere, there are desperate people, there WILL be those trying to take advantage, to recruit others.
You are specifically asked about such things, when you were in my condition. It’s likely in everyone’s medical history, as far as religious beliefs. Specifically regarding, whether one wishes for a representative of their beliefs, in certain circumstances, or not.
The amount of Christian iconography, like crosses, is already inviting religion to a place it has no business being.
They don’t have to have recruiters walking into random rooms, reinforcing attempted indoctrination.
As a patient, you have the right, not to be bothered by people who are not there to perform a service for the hospital. In this case, a stranger took ot upon themselves to walk into my room, unsolicited.
I do not believe this man, took offense, and I was not rude.
I could see his wheels turning.
I gave him purpose. Opening my juice…
I can’t speak for other places, but down south, there is usually actually a small church or place of worship. THAT would be where I would go, if I desired such things.
My second chance to live, has nothing to do with any organized religion.
Enabling a man, who believes he is speaking for, or to, a 100% fictional character, designed to control people, is not my prerogative. I don’t chastise him for his beliefs, but he is as welcome in my place of healing as a traveling scam artist can expect.
If he brings comfort to others, he was wasting time he could be helping them.
No deity played ANY part in me killing myself, OR in my recovery.
I’m sorry that people, cannot accept that we endure hardship, because of who we already are, or are capable of being.
“But Oz never did give nothing to The Tin Man. That he didn’t already have.”..
Sometimes, it’s important to remember, there was never a wizard, just a man behind a curtain. And the wizard ruled that realm of Oz, because nobody ever questioned what they were told…
It is dishonorable to my donor, medical workers, doctors, and myself, to try and credit a false deity for my story to this point.
If there IS a “God,” they can try to speak to me directly, but I have no interest in false profits.
I would likely have little nice to say, to a “God,” anyways.
It’s FAR more likely, that I would speak with the kid sterilizing my floors, than a deity or it’s proclaimed representative…
I did appreciate him opening my juice. I would have appreciated more, if he had not entered my room, as per the paperwork I signed prior to surgery.
And they ask me, every time I get treated, if my religious beliefs or gender identity have changed. So. There’s always an opportunity.
To more accurately address the question. The duties of a chaplain, are to respect the wishes of the people who don’t believe as they do.