What is the most outrageous thing an establishment has attached to a bathroom key?
Many retail establishments attach a large, unwieldy object to a bathroom key hoping you won’t forget it when you leave the bathroom.
A restaurant in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii had the top of a 5 gallon tub attached by a heavy chain to the key to the men’s room. It made me laugh.
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8 Answers
A dirty hubcap at a gas station. It was really gucky, and when I suggested that they run it through the attached car wash, they were gobsmacked by the concept.
Back in my teens, when we drank and drove, we would have to use a bathroom now and then. One of the gas stations had a one foot heavy metal pole attached to the key. It was almost too heavy to hold up to the door knob to unlock it.
Oh, the bad old days.
Maybe it’s my age, or maybe I don’t travel to the skanky places I used to, but now almost every gas station I go to has indoor bathrooms that don’t need keys.
Remember going to those old filling stations where the bathrooms were accessed from outside, the doors didn’t close tightly, and they weren’t heated in winter?
song about the need for bathroom key
A billy club about 15 inches long (drilled with chain through key), it’ll never fit in your pocket ! !
Always when I touch those things, I think of all the pissy hands that have touched it in the past.
I always thought it was a crappy move when they did that.
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