Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

How long before Trumpists start calling themselves disciples?

Asked by Jeruba (56210points) 1 month ago

The quasi-religious tone of all this stuff is really getting to me. Put a religious twist on things, and a lot of people lose their objectivity. When I ask myself how far this can go, I can’t see any limit.

And it’s the language that does it. I think it was somebody like Jim Jones (though not Jones himself) who said something to the effect that “if you control the words, you control the minds.”

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11 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Later: I just now read these lines in my current novel:

“So is this a political group or a religious group?” I ask.
“Probably the worst of both. The IRA, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, ISIS were all aligned on religious and political axes.

flutherother's avatar

Trump likes to be seen as God’s answer to America’s problems and he has promoted this idea following his close escape from an assassin’s bullet.

He has succeeded in dividing America by altering the meanings of words to make dialogue impossible. You can hardly hear the word “news” anymore without thinking “fake news” and “faux news” is a term no longer in use.

“Patriot” is a term that excludes John McCain, “beautiful” no longer refers to art or to nature but to politics. “Immigrant” is something dangerous and inhuman even the word “America” means less and less in the world even as Trump insists it means more and more.

It is even more dangerous than you think. Orwell’s Newspeak was not intended for disciples but for slaves.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You mean they don’t already?

janbb's avatar

They can call themselves Blue Footed Boobies for all I care. I am just so dismayed and horrified by the way he is dismantling our system of government and our standing (such as it was) in the world.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

There are cultists who describe him as The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. You can find photos, online, of people laying their hands on him in prayer. I’d certainly say “yes” about the word “disciples.”

smudges's avatar

^^ How do people do that with security??

smudges's avatar

^^ nm…apparently it was before he was president.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

He would need apostles first.

I would guess after his third term as president?

smudges's avatar

How ironic that there’s different colors of hands on him yet he’s a bigot.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Anyone who identifies as a Christian never will. Thats ludicrous

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