General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Is ball-point pen ink toxic?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33691points) 1 month ago

I was using the point of a ball-point pen to open some sliced cheese wrapped in plastic. I pushed a little too hard and accidently made a 2-inch mark on a slice of Swiss cheese.

I figure that’s not enough to hurt me.

But as a general rule, is licking / eating ball point pen ink going to hurt me?

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7 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, LOL! I mean look it up, but if it was toxic I’d be dead! In high school I had this thing about chewing on pens the same way we chewed on pencils. Finally had one explode in my mouth. Was mess. But didn’t hurt me.
Tasted nasty tho.

Jeruba's avatar

Psst. Little pair of scissors in a kichen drawer. Or just carry a pocket knife. I use mine every dsy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Psst. Or just swallow it and then send a stool sample to your doctor!

Forever_Free's avatar

psssst the ink comes in flavors now

canidmajor's avatar

Are you dead yet?

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s about time, @Forever_Free! Kids today get all the breaks.

JLeslie's avatar

There isn’t enough in a pen to kill you, but I wouldn’t go around drinking the stuff. You of course can google for more info.

I’d just cut away the ink mark, but if you ate it, I wouldn’t worry.

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