I can’t believe people are doing this. It’s a lack of class consciousness that makes this level of boot-licking possible.
List thousands of crimes that undocumented immigrants have committed. It doesn’t prove the point you think it does – quite the opposite. The people who are actually a threat to your lives and financial well-being are selling you this because they won’t/can’t offer you any material improvement in your life.
What they can offer you are symbolic association with the in-group. They do this by painting an “other” as the threat. Sure, you are slaving away so someone can have a second yacht, while you can’t afford healthcare or food or housing. The labor they steal from you is invested in systems to exploit others. We all feel it. But they want to make sure that you aren’t aware that the hand in your pocket is theirs.
You are told that things are rough, but at least you’re not an immigrant. Actual material improvement in the lives of most of the population are not on offer. Instead, you’ve been given “whiteness”, citizenship status, the correct sexuality and gender identity, the correct language, the correct level of nationalism. Any time you hear people demonizing a group of people, the people doing the demonizing are fucking you hard. They’re damning you and your children to suffer. And you are expected to lick their boots clean, attack the other victims of these systems, and thank god that you’re not one of the “others”.
Not a single person in government (or here) who feigns concerns about “crime” and immigration actually care about crime. That is just a fact. The whole project is to protect the system that is allowing them to steal from you, your kids, and the rest of the planet.
“But what about crimes that we listed that were done by undocumented immigrants?” So the fuck what? Please tell me that you’re aware that:
- Crime rates are not higher among undocumented immigrants. In fact, data shows that the opposite is true.
– If you were concerned about crime, you’d do what everyone knows needs to be done to fix it: address the causes, not incarcerate.
– The prison industry is powerful and profitable, and is a key part of creating conditions that will bring about more crime in order to fill prisons. This also plays a role slave labor, further suppressing wages.
– If you cared about immigration, you’d stop the US government from destroying other countries. This is an indisputable reason why people find it desirable to come to the US.
– You don’t give a shit about borders. You are fine with money and jobs crossing borders all day long. You’re fine with imperial power destroying democratic movements and governments in service to global capital. You just don’t like humans crossing borders.
It’s so fucking embarrassing to see non-rich workers taking part in their own oppression by not punching up. For shits sake – who do you most empathize with? Who are “your people”? Is it billionaires or your fellow workers? Is it “Americans” or is it the workers in other countries who are victims of the same people who have fucked you?
Sorry for the length of this rant. Most people won’t read it, and I get it.
TLDR – “fuck off”