What is something you wish you would have done sooner (details)?
Not sure how to word the question.
I wish I would have ignored everyone who said Star Trek was boring, and that I watched it way sooner. I love it so much now and it has been a great distraction and escape from recent events.
What is something you love, that you wish you started sooner in life (and ignored other peoples opinions)?
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11 Answers
1. Quit drinking earlier. It was a big problem in my life a good ten years before I finally quit at age 30.
2. Had confidence to date women earlier. I didn’t have a real girlfriend until I was in my late 20s (see #1 above for why I didn’t date consistently).
Differently @OP, or earlier?
I would liked to have taken better care of my teeth. Brushing 2x a day and no pop.
I’d like to have switched to veganism earlier, but it’s also much easier these days.
I should have dated more.
So many things, some more serious than others, I guess.
1. eaten healthier, so that maybe I could have avoided getting diabetes (But that might have happened anyway, since my mom and her mom before her had it, and both ate very healthy.)
2. not gotten rid of as many books as I have in the past, because now I wish I had them to read again. (The OP’s question made me think of this because I used to have most of the Star Trek novels – the original ones – but then I got rid of them at some point and now I want to read them again.
3. Finished school sooner, but related to that, discovered how much I love computer programming. I didn’t take my first programming class until I was 40 or so, and then got a two-year degree in Computer Science. But with my worsening eyesight and health, I don’t know that I will ever continue on with my schooling.
LifeQuestioner, I recently bought quite a few ST books and some OG magazines from the 70s. I had to travel 3 hours to a used book store in an amish town.
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