So how long do you think before Trump makes same sex marriage illegal?
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Pandora (
1 month ago
Looks to me Trump is Following Project 2025 to the letter. Remember when he said he never heard of it. That was obviously a lie.
This is their agenda so far and it seems Trump is just going along with it and so are Republicans. The plan includes firing federal employees that oppose or insufficiently support right-wing policies, ending access to abortion and contraception, and eliminating protections for LGBTQ people. The document even calls for erasing LGBTQ-inclusive language throughout federal agencies such as “the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion, gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights.”
And once he and congress get this passed, how long before they attack mixed marriages?
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Within 2 years. Before congress has Its next election. While Republicans have presidential, house, senate, and Supreme Court.
Can he do it by executive order? Or, do they need a court case to overturn previous court cases?
If they need a court case it might take a few months to a year and has nothing to do with Trump, except to say he already stacked the court with conservatives and if he needs to replace any justices they will be of the same leaning.
The uproar to completely getting rid of gay marriage if it happens will be really big. I hope it doesn’t happen.
I don’t even think Trump cares about it, I think he goes along to satisfy the Christian Dominionists to get the power and money he seeks. The result is the same for the American people whether he really cares about it or not.
I’m not even sure people realize that for some people part of the objection to gay marriage is tied to immigration. They don’t want people using gay marriage to get legal US status.
Just adding that from what I understand P2025 did not specifically say the intention is to eliminate gay marriage, but it does go after some rights of gay people and gay couples.
If you have the link to the specific text regarding gay marriage I’d be interested. I’ll try to search for it myself.
Of course it doesn’t have to be in P2025 for someone to try to do away with same sex marriage.
Also, I don’t see how “mixed marriages” can be eliminated in the US. There are a huge amount of “mixed marriages.” It would ruin the voting base Trump used to get elected. Which mix are we talking about?
I don’t think this is on the agenda.
Second Tuesday of February, including current.
He will make Christianity the national religion on the Third Tuesday ! He has to show the. MAGA Fundamentalist he is in charge. . . . of a dumpster fire ! ! ! !
@JLeslie If he tries to get rid of it, he is going to face a lot of backlash, although I don’t know if it will be on the scale of the Medicaid issue. I’m also worried that they will try to get rid of interracial marriage at some point, which would directly impact my sister and her husband.
It is going to take years to undo all he is doing currently.
We have 1451 days till next us presidential election.
He can’t do it by Executive Order. But the Idaho legislature passed a resolution asking that Obergefell be overturned by the SCOTUS.
The SCOTUS does not act on a state’s resolution, they would have to have a case go through the courts to reach them and then act. There are no current cases in process for it to get to the Supreme Court. Someone would have to demonstrate they were harmed by the current status quo.
I also agree he will not do that.
@zenvelo yes, but no doubt they will invent some case to get it presented to the Supreme Court at one point, so that it can be ruled on. That’s what they did with another issue, although I can’t remember which issue it was.
@ragingloli yes, but I thought there was some other more recent case brought before them that turned out to be somewhat not legit, but that served the Republicans purpose of getting it before the Supreme Court.
The overturning of Chevron Deference?
@LifeQuestioner Stats say 19% of new marriages in the US are interracial. I don’t know what they include as race in that stat. Anyway, it’s commonplace.
Probably the current VP would be counted as being in an interracial marriage or you are only thinking Black and white?
@JLeslie thinking black and white as regards my sister and her husband, but in general, any interracial marriage. But I have a feeling that, much like everything else, the rules would only apply to everyone besides the wealthy elite.
@zenvelo They will claim that children are being harmed by it. Just need to get some right-wing conspiracy therapist to verify that children are being hurt by it and it easily goes to court. I can see the right-wing Supreme Court agreeing with false conspiracy nuts because most of them probably believe it.
Remember they are the same supreme court that made it easy for Trump to act like a dictator and not be questioned.
@LifeQuestioner Well, I have a lot of friends in Black and white marriages, so the idea of it seems crazy. Most of who have been married for over 25 years.
What would be very difficult about trying to outlaw interracial marriage is that many people are mixed race, so what are they? Are they considered black or white? If someone is ¼ black, are they considered black and therefore they’d not be allowed to marry a white person? It seems too difficult to even try to legislate and enforce.
My father is from Mexico and I’m whiter than many white people that I know, so would I not be allowed to marry a white person, because my father is Hispanic, even though I’m very white?
The gist of it – - I think is how Jewish are you ! @jca2
@jca2 you can adapt that to any ethnicity, really. I believe you would have to apply for a permit to marry a white person.
Is HIspanic being counted as a race? That’s what I was wondering with the stat I gave above. What about Middle Eastern? I know Trumpers probably counts those two as races and Democrats use the term racism when talking about bigotry towards those groups.
@JLeslie Honestly, I don’t know why we’re even down this hypothetical rabbit hole since outlawing interracial marriage is not even a suggestion.
@jca2 Because you only need to look at history and also what is the ultimate plan of 2025 project. Ultimate goal is get a dictator in place that is willing to do what they want. Second, get people distracted by looking at other races or genders or religions for the reason of their own failures in life. They then willingly turn on each other and are easier to manipulate as the tyrant fills his pockets and gives powers to other money hungry people. First it was violent immigrants, then it was illegal immigrants, then now being from the Lgbtq is the enemy, and Dei hires, and even women in the military. Recently it was mentioned by Trump that teachers who affirm trans children by using their preferred names should be investigated. So the approach now is to go after educators. They make up a problem and then use it as a solution to go after what they hate.
Trump blamed the air craft crash on DEI hires. Without proof. He needs a boogie man so he can place actually talented people with easily controlled loyalist. He even dumbed down the requirement after claiming Biden hurt the FAA with dei hires.
Don’t you think it makes sense to go full-ahead against gay marriage and then go against mixed to please his masters?
The religious right is helping to create this wave. It’s going to be like the Spanish Inquisition. The Vatican used fear and intimidation and let nut cases rule so they could keep control.
The religious right along with the rich and powerful have a firm grip on the Supreme Court and Congress and now the presidency.
Realistically I do not think same-sex marriage is a target, nor is the case that prevented restrictions on birth control, or Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down anti-sodomy laws. These cases were brought up as potential “reversals” that the Supreme Court could undertake, as they did with Roe. Interracial marriage was not brought up for obvious reasons, but there is no reason it cannot be grouped with these other decisions. Public opinion is more divided on abortion than these others, I think it is safe to say, but same-sex marriage is clearly the most vulnerable.
In either case, I’m not even same-sex engaged yet, but if I do get married, it will likely not be in the U.S.
@Demosthenes my concern is if we continue down the road that we seem to be traveling on. If Trump and party decide that they want to expand their racism, they may very well decide to do away with interracial marriage. So it may not be a target right now, but I’m not so sure I would feel safe about it not becoming one in the future.
Clarence Thomas is in an interracial marriage, with.a hard core Trumpist. But Thomas is a hardcore originalist, so I wonder if he would adhere to the Octaroon Rule.
@zenvelo Also depends on whether he loves his wife or not. Not every long marriage is a happy marriage.
@jca2 The thing about those Nazi charts, though, is that everyone has a defined distance between themselves and Jewishness. So they can just keep moving the line of “acceptable” distance until just about anyone they want gets put on the wrong side of the line. Or if that doesn’t work, they use a different chart (e.g., how close are you to homosexuality or being a Romani).
@zenvelo Thomas is already on record as saying that all cases based on privacy rights and substantive due process should be readjudicated and likely overturned. And while that should include Loving v. Virginia, he never seems to include it on the list of suspicious precedents. Weird.
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