Social Question

chyna's avatar

If you saw RFK, Jr. at the senate hearing yesterday1/29/25, how did you think he came across?

Asked by chyna (51730points) 1 month ago from iPhone

I personally think he did very bad. He came across as unprofessional and not trustworthy.
But maybe you saw it differently?

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26 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

He came across as himself.

Not prepared, not knowledgeable, dissembling, denying previous statements and his published books, avoiding responsibility.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I wholeheartedly agree with what @zenvelo said. It scares me that he might get confirmed.

flutherother's avatar

He was unable to provide any logical reasoning for his eccentric beliefs and so was occasionally forced to deny having them. He was also too orange for my liking as if he had just come from a tanning salon or from too close an encounter with Trump.

chyna's avatar

^I totally agree. She is a class act.
I was stunned to learn that RFK, Jr. was a heroin addict for 14 years. In one interview he attributed that to his distrust of vaccines. I’m not seeing how the two are related, but at least he pulled a reason out of his ass.

janbb's avatar

Apparently, he also said that the deductibles and co-pays on Medicaid are too hight and there aren’t any!

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@janbb Maybe we can convince them to have them pay negative deductibles and co-pays, LOL!

chyna's avatar

I think he is so ill qualified for this position. He didn’t even do basic research to know what the position was about.

jonsblond's avatar

Does he and his wife have a cold? He kept wiping his eyes, nose and coughed a few times when I watched about 30 minutes of the session. I noticed Cheryl cough a few times as well.

janbb's avatar

@jonsblond Things go better with Coke!

canidmajor's avatar

He will forever be Wormbrain to me.

chyna's avatar

^Bear cub killer to me.

Forever_Free's avatar

Watching it now. Bernie is burning him

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@Forever_Free I’ll have to catch that later! I want to see that!

jonsblond's avatar

^That’s the part I watched. It was really good.

tinyfaery's avatar

Is there something wrong with him? He seemed all shaky and his voice was weird.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@tinyfaery well, you’re probably aware that he had some sort of throat affliction in the past, might have been cancer? So his voice has had that raspy quality to it for a long time. That being said, I did feel like he sounded really bad yesterday.

chyna's avatar

Just saw Bernie questioning RFK, jr. Good on Bernie!

jca2's avatar

I think he’s a disaster, looks like a disaster.

Bernie was funny! “Do you support this onesie?”

@janbb Medicaid does have copays. They’re known as out of pocket costs. When I worked for DSS, they might have been a few dollars. They vary by income. It’s definitely lower than for us with regular insurance but they do have them. Source:

janbb's avatar

@jca2 That was something I read. I stand corrected.

Blackberry's avatar

As a typical American. Why even act surprised?

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@jca2 I have absolutely no copays so I’m going to have to disagree with you. Now, my prescriptions are done through a third party health company, thankfully not UnitedHealth, so I do have to pay a dollar or two for some of them, but that’s it. But it’s not the same thing because I think Medicaid mainly has to do with your appointments, treatments, and hospitalizations.

jca2's avatar

I provided a link from the government, not my own opinion. It says it’s income based, so perhaps that’s why, @LifeQuestioner.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@tinyfaery, he has spasmodic dysphonia.

chyna's avatar

Hi @Mama _Cakes! Good to see you!

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Hi, @chyna! Good to see you!

I do pop in once in a while! Not as much as I should, though. :)

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