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LifeQuestioner's avatar

Has anybody seen anything definitive about whether Medicaid is currently available?

Asked by LifeQuestioner (4363points) 1 month ago

It has been one confusing headline after another since Monday, when Trump said he was putting a freeze on all federal funding (which would have included Medicaid.) Then he started walking back on particular programs, including Medicaid, until finally (I believe it was Tuesday, but maybe Wednesday?), the news came that the White House was rescinding the freeze that had been put in place Monday.

But I am still unclear if it really is in effect. I am supposed to get my COVID booster tomorrow after work, but I don’t even know if my insurance will be covering it. I saw a judge put a freeze on the order until this Monday (February 3rd), so I guess I should be okay, but I also have a hemoglobin infusion that I’m due to have done next Wednesday, and I am probably going to have to call my insurance immediately beforehand to find out if it’s still covered. (The vaccine tomorrow wouldn’t be that much out-of-pocket, but I imagine the infusion, along with the bloodwork would be.)

So, particularly if anyone has any links that will answer my question, I would appreciate it.

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