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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Would Trump have won the election if he didn't use the lie he could lower fuel, and food costs?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) 1 month ago

I mean he walked that promise back, right after the election, would he have won if he hadn’t promised that?

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26 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

Probably… I dont think the democrats offered a viable alternative argument other than “hey we’re not Trump”

Zaku's avatar

Yes if Starlink or his daughter’s company’s voting tech or whatever rigged the counts in certain places.

And even if that didn’t happen, I don’t think reasoning had much to do with what happened.

What Fox News’ owners has had them say was, I think, one of the largest effects. Just watch a few minutes of it, and it’s pretty clear. They’ve been doing that for decades now.

YARNLADY's avatar

Trump only won the election by cheating, not by anything he said. Research the number of votes disallowed.

mazingerz88's avatar

He would still have won it. Seems it is real that a lot of people went through and are still going through hard times. They chose change. Didn’t matter who. They just wanted change.

RocketGuy's avatar

Almost all media sources were toeing the Repub line, esp. the ones Conservative voters tuned in to. That skewed perceptions enough. Remember how all media was complaining about the candidates being too old? After Biden dropped out, no more talk of old candidates despite Trump being the oldest candidate in American history. How about Trump’s crazy antics during the campaign. Made it on the news for a day, then dropped. Project 2025 vs Trump’s Agenda 47 – not a peep. “Eating cats and dogs” – one day then dropped. Tariffs – dropped (but a lot of Google searches after the election).

jca2's avatar

It was a combination of things – people wanted change, people wanted something done about the border, prices were up, Harris was not really chosen properly because Biden didn’t step down until the last minute. It was like a giant cluster fuck.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’ll give it more than two weeks before I call it a lie.
And it was far more than inflation that got him the win.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Yeah, the race wasn’t even close

Anything to not elect a woman. That is the worst thing that could happen to this country. Nope. Cannot have a woman in power. /s

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@KNOWITALL Sorry but tomorrow when all imported items from Canada and Mexico go up by at least 25 %, the lie will become very obvious to you.


Blackberry's avatar

No, he still would have won, because this country is still full of hill billies.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Based on him alone? No.
But I think there is some one pulling his strings telling him what to do and say. But they can’t really control him.
Remember when he said something like “I could stand in the middle of Times Square and shoot someone and I would still be elected.”
It was such an odd comnent. Then I thought that I bet someone said it in a private meeting, saying “No matter what you do we’ll make it happen. You could stand in the middle of Times Square….” They didn’t intend for him to blurt it out for the world to hear. But he did. And he got elected.
I’m sure they have a much tighter rein on him now.
Good luck to them.
But they learned his followers will still vote for him no matter what.

Kropotkin's avatar

If this was such a genius piece of rhetoric that swayed the election in his favour, why didn’t Kamala Harris make the same and other similar promises?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Kamala is a girl. And an honest one at that.

jonsblond's avatar

Elonia bought the presidency. No one else had a chance.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Kamala didn’t lie about prices and Trump’s followers believe he is the second coming of the lord. . . and can fix anything. Then he jacked up the prices with tariffs to punish Mexico and Canada with the USA paying through the nose.

ragingloli's avatar

It would not have changed anything. They would have used another nonsense excuse.
See, using some bullshit reason like “he will lower egg prices” is nothing but a shield, flimsy and fragile as it may be, to hide the real reason they vote for him and people like him: bigotry.
Putting “eggs” forward as justification merely gives them plausible deniability to protect their public image.

seawulf575's avatar

I’m not sure it was a lie. And as usual, the same people that want to hold Trump accountable for not fixing the problems in the country with the wave of his magic wand, gave a pass to those that created all the problems.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“If Trump’s lips are moving, he is flat out lying !”

Get use to it, for the next four years almost everything he says will be a lie !

He will make the issues and problems of the USA worse, starting with inflation caused by his tariffs/taxes ! I hope you are not on a fixed income it will be painful.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie, if it wasn’t a lie then what was it?
Is it the same as confusing a trade deficit the same as a subsidy?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 He opened up a lot of the drilling availability that Biden closed down. He can’t have oil pumping in the first week of his presidency. But the availability is there. Companies that want to can now apply for permits to drill in these areas, creating jobs and producing oil for ourselves instead of buying it from other countries. As we produce more oil/gas for ourselves, the prices go down (just like they did on his first term) and therefore all the delivery costs of food goes down, lowering the cost. So to say he lied about it is deceptive.

As for tariffs, you are completely deranged when it comes to Trump. Let’s say it is a tax on us like you want to make it. Fine. You are against it. Yet you were FOR higher taxation from the government. So which is it? Are you for or are you against people having to pay taxes? With the tariffs we are given a choice on if we pay or not. If I don’t want to pay the price for avocados from Mexico that they want to charge with the extra tariff in place, I do without. And if enough people don’t want to pay the price, Mexico will have three options: (1) lower the prices, (2) subsidize the farmers rather than have them go out of business (and therefore pay the tariff for them), or (3) find other markets. Since the USA is one of the largest markets in the world, it would be difficult to do #3. Trump is attempting to use tariffs to cut into the taxes that are charged to people as well as a way to pay for the extra costs the foreign governments are costing us (fighting fentanyl for instance…charge higher tariffs to China since they are the biggest producer and smugglers of fentanyl).

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Visit the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone now because it will take some time before Trump will have the oil companies paying him to drill in all the National Parks Parking lots. ~ ~ ~

^^^ But true ! ^^^

flutherother's avatar

With Trump it isn’t a question of policies. Being Trump should have been enough to disqualify him from any position of trust. Instead, being Trump is what got him elected. I’ve still not figured that one out.

JLeslie's avatar

Probably. He was using price of food, transgender, Israel, DEI, and immigration.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie, as for being more self self-sufficient on oil, and fuel going down under your heroes last term, hmmm maybe it was because COVID was going and the need for fuel and oil went down, but I have no fear you will spin it in your heroes favor.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 If you cared to go back and look at historical prices, all of Trump’s time in office was right in line with historical norms. Well before Covid which has no bearing on it. Know what wasn’t in line? The massive jump up caused by Biden.

seawulf575's avatar

@flutherother ” Instead, being Trump is what got him elected. I’ve still not figured that one out.” Neither can the Dems. I could tell you why but then why should I? You have severe TDS and don’t want to believe anything other than Trump sucks. So go ahead and believe whatever you like…just like the Dems. And since they will continue with the same game plan they’ve had since 2015, they will continue to lose elections right and left.

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