Meta Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

How often do you keep following a question?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13733points) 1 month ago

I almost always stop following any political question I answer, right after I answer it.

Not to put myself in an echo chamber, but if I know I have a strong or unpopular opinion on something that I know I won’t change my mind on, I usually don’t care for a debate. I am too lazy to back my points up not going to lie. I don’t take the internet that serious. Real life, sure. But I also can’t stop following a real life question.

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17 Answers

jca2's avatar

Sometimes I’ll follow a question that I don’t respond to, because I like looking at what people say, or maybe I don’t know much about the topic but I want to learn.

Sometimes I’ll follow something and then never look at it and stop following, because it’s just not that important to me. Sometimes topics get old and I’ve never read them, like old news, or political news, or some current events, and then I never look at it.

If I am involved in the discussion, I’ll usually keep following.

If a Jelly writes comments that are too long, I don’t usually have time for that.

Zaku's avatar

I only unfollow questions when I’m annoyed to be reminded of them . . . which almost never happens nowadays, particularly as I don’t really pay attention often to the “Next Activity” section, and I pretty much never read my “Activity for You” (which currently shows 4892 ‘new’).

MakeItSo1701's avatar

You make me want to scream. 4892?????? I can’t even handle one!!!!!!!!!

canidmajor's avatar

If it gets contentious or boring, usually then, and if it gets taken over by a side topic, ugh.

smudges's avatar

If a Q goes on and on with 2–5 people being the only ones replying/arguing I stop following.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I usually keep a wide net of activities. To keep me busy throughout the week.

janbb's avatar

I usually bow-out when it becomes a pissing match. I stop following and don’t get a build up of activity for you.

smudges's avatar

I forgot – I also don’t read posts with no paragraphs even if they’re only long-ish. My eyes don’t like it. And I don’t follow silly questions; there’s a lot of those that try to pose as serious when in reality they’re just stupid. You know the ones I mean…

KNOWITALL's avatar

Not often unless its educational or interesting. I tend to follow personal Q’s longer. Ya know, I care about ya’ll.

jca2's avatar

Yeah, when a q is personal, asking for advice or whatever, I like to follow to see if they update/follow up about what occurred.

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jca2's avatar

When I see a political conversation on Fluther go on and on, I will glance at the answer but if I’m not interested I’ll not look for long.

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