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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is President Trump trying to eliminate income taxes on all citizens?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25070points) 2 hours ago

Is that a good thing?

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12 Answers

seawulf575's avatar

I think his goal is to do away with income tax, though I’m not sure he’ll get there. Back before income tax was started, the government ran on only tariffs. That’s how they paid for their operating costs. But there are two big differences between then and now. The first is that the government is no bigger and covers more things than it did at that time. The second is that no one has any clue how much useless spending is done every day by the government.

He created DOGE to look at where we spend our money. What they are finding is both amazing and disturbing. Especially when you put it up against US Citizens getting blasted by natural disasters and having the government tell them that they can only get $750 to make up for all their loss. $50M to pay for condoms in Gaza, but no money for people wiped out in our country.

If you look at much of what Trump is doing, it is all about shrinking the size and control of the federal government. The country becomes much more prosperous if the government is smaller, spending less, and people’s taxes are reduced. Hell, he might even get to where we can pay down some of our national debt.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie that $50million for condoms has been proven false but you keep pushing your frightwing propaganda.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Of course the US spent $50 million on condoms for Gaza. Musk tweeted it (or what ever the fuck you call it on X)

janbb's avatar

Do you have a link that he is trying to do that? I think he just wants to make more tax cuts for the rich, not eliminate them. Spreading wild rumors without facts does nobody any good in this environment – or any other.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

The country becomes much more prosperous if the government is smaller

Good point. For example, see small-government paradises like Somalia and how much better they live than people in socialist hellholes like Sweden!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@janbb Google “Trump vows to scrap income tax” , Fox news on YouTube.

Also Trump said that in the United States, before income taxes was a period of prosperity. Where taxes were only on tariffs.

jca2's avatar

Not sure what good eliminating income tax would do, since that is a big way that the government gets their revenue.

I’m hearing what a disaster the tariffs are. Canada liquor stores are pulling American liquor from their shelves. Now we’re in a trade war, and prices on all kinds of goods are going to go up.

I told my daughter last night how many things in an average household are from China. Almost everything in a store – appliances, all kinds of stuff, is from China. Car prices are going to go up (news says average 3k per car), auto parts, oil changes. How is this going to help the average person? How is this going to make inflation go down (which was Trump’s campaign promise)?

zenvelo's avatar


(The all caps is Trump, he is yelling at you in text.”

Trump is not trying to eliminate income tax for the bottom 98%, just for the top 1%.

seawulf575's avatar

Yeah, forgive me everyone. When the WH spokesman says it, I tend to give it credence. But seriously, are all of you really wrapped around the axle of the condoms (no pun intended) or are you trying to say the government doesn’t waste money? Look at the citations you gave. It wasn’t $50M for condoms, it was $100M which includes contraception. Okay. So why are we sending $100M to an area that has sworn to kill us? Do I really care if they reproduce or get STDs or whatever? Nope. Not at all. Am I cold hearted? Maybe. But I’m tired of watching us throw tons of money at stupid things…wasteful things…while we go deeper and deeper in debt, causing our dollar to be worth less and less.

You are all just thinking you have a gotcha because Trump also used the number of $50M for condoms but you are ignoring the shit hole the Dems have dug us into.

chyna's avatar

Wulf, you brought up condoms and accuse everyone else of being wrapped up in them? Lol!

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