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filmfann's avatar

What are your thoughts on the movie Emilia Perez?

Asked by filmfann (52610points) 1 month ago from iPhone

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3 Answers

janbb's avatar

There were things I liked about it and things that bummed me out. I thought she was really stupid to come back to Mexico after transitioning and didn’t have a real moral reckoning for her former crimes. I also stopped watching before the very end because I feared where it was going. I found the lawyer character the most compelling. As for the musical numbers, they didn’t thrill me but they didn’t annoy me. I don’t thing I wrote any spoilers. I suspect it might win Best Picture because of the political climate; not sure how I feel about that.

filmfann's avatar

The lawyer has more screen time than the title role, yet she was nominated for Supporting Actress. That’s very much like Michael/Vito in The Godfather.

The fourth act turn didn’t ring reasonable.

This is a french film that takes place in Mexico. It doesn’t seem like this was well researched in the culture, but reduced to stereotypes.

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