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janbb's avatar

When you're nearing the end of an exciting book, do you speed up or slow down?

Asked by janbb (63368points) 1 month ago

Sometime when I don’t want a good book to end or it is getting too exciting, I take more breaks and finish it more slowly.

How about you?

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10 Answers

chyna's avatar

I speed up. I have to know how it ends.

canidmajor's avatar

Yes to both, depends on my mood. Do I have to know right now? Do I want the delicious anticipation to go on? AAAAAAARRRGGHH!!!!

seawulf575's avatar

Speed up. And if I’m really tired I just muscle through. Except once. When I was on the sub, I had a really good mystery book I was reading. I was getting right to the end and someone stole the book. I had to wait more than a month to find the book so I could see how it ended.

smudges's avatar

I go faster if it’s a cliffhanger, but sometimes I don’t want it to end so I go slower. I do the same thing with streaming shows.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Speed up. I have also practically pulled all nighters to finish a book.

chyna's avatar

I remember way back when I was reading Stephen Kings The Stand for the first time. I couldn’t put it down. I was up until 4 a.m. reading it and had to get up at 6 a.m. to go to work.
I’m sure my coworkers thought I was hung over when it was just a book hangover.

raum's avatar

Slow down!

Jeruba's avatar

I think I usually keep the same pace.

The ones I speed up on are the ones I want to be done with.

flutherother's avatar

I will read more quickly, but usually I also take more breaks.

Forever_Free's avatar

It varies. Sometimes I slow down to savor it in my brain. Sometimes I want to find out how it ends, so I speed up.

I think for me, if an author can write exquisite meaningful sentences, I slow down and savor each one like a bite of my favorite meal.

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