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Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is it cookie or cooky ?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31633points) 1 month ago

Which way do you spell munchables ?

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26 Answers

janbb's avatar


smudges's avatar

Cookie – never heard of Cooky except for maybe a nickname.

canidmajor's avatar

Aw, damn. This is one of those trick existential things that I will obsessively ponder for days. I need a cookie…er…cooky…um…cookeigh?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Is it hippie or hippy?

Caravanfan's avatar

Hippy is someone with big hips.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have a doctor friend who is lippy. What does that mean?

janbb's avatar

^^ Ask your doctor!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’d say that’s pretty lippy @janbb. You better see a doctor. Tell em you’re seeing double too.

Zaku's avatar


“Cooky” is someone’s name, or a misspelling, or a variant of kooky, which is something else.

smudges's avatar

You betcher bippy it’s cookie!

Caravanfan's avatar

I’m not lippy, I’m lippie.

JLeslie's avatar


Kooky means strange and crazy.

My SIL used to call her son Cookie, but said it kooky, and I gather she had no idea that word existed or what it meant. I never corrected her. She would have only been mad at the messenger.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Cookie is always spelled cookie, unless you’re the Cookie monster and then you’re allowed to say cooky.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

When I was very young—during an early grade, which would have been the early-60s—the following:

Singular = cooky
Plural = cookies

“Cooky” has so fallen out of usage, however, that it now seems to be archaic. I think it would be highly unusual to find that spelling anywhere.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

It is cookie, you kooky man.

smudges's avatar

@Love_my_doggie Interestingly, “The earliest known use of the noun cooky is in the mid 1700s.”

“OED’s earliest evidence for cooky is from 1759, in the writing of J. Townley.”

So you’re right, it used to be a thing.

chyna's avatar

Where is @cookieman when you need him?

janbb's avatar

^^ Or is it really cookyman (which sounds vaguely Jamaican)?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Shut up Doc!

cookieman's avatar

Oh FFS! Of course is “cookie”. It’s right there in my name. Yeesh.

::mock storms off leaving a wake of crumbs behind::

Dutchess_III's avatar

Lolll @cookieman! What would trump’s name be?!

smudges's avatar

Can’t we have at least one question without mentioning the unmentionable?? ^^

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sorry. You’re right.

smudges's avatar

;^) Thanks.

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