Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What do you want to be standardized?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25155points) 4 weeks ago

From pinker ink, to charging cables on technology.

Doesn’t have to be tech, could be anything? Including anything existential?

Humor and serious answers welcome.

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7 Answers

janbb's avatar

Medical drug prices.

Zaku's avatar

Screws and nuts, almost every time I need to fuss with them.

gondwanalon's avatar

Standard charging cords for electronic devices would be nice. I deal with 10 different ones for my iPhone, Garmin watches, GoPro cameras, Apple Watch, iPad, transistor radio and iPod.

Forever_Free's avatar

The size of potatoes.

smudges's avatar

Charging cords and plugs, cups that fit cup holders in the car, and B E A D S!

seawulf575's avatar

Where the controls on cars are located. Which side the gas tank is on as well.

tinyfaery's avatar

State courts. In CA even courts in the same county have different procedures. Judges have different procedures. It’s stupid and everything should be the same.

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