Social Question

gondwanalon's avatar

Anyone here interested in getting a Tesla Bot?

Asked by gondwanalon (23290points) 2 hours ago

The Tesla Bot (also known as Optimus) is supposed to start being available to the public this year for as low as $10K.

Are you interested? How would you use a Tesla Bot?

I’d like to get one just for the novelty of it and to mess around with. I’d like to train it to paddle a canoe with me and to clean cat litter boxes, clean up cat vomit, feed the cats while I’m away and go for walks with me.

Don’t really need help around the house now but I’m no spring chicken (74 years old). A Tesla Bot might actually be useful helping me as I grow weaker with age.

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5 Answers

jca2's avatar

Can it clean the house?

My cats would probably bug out if they saw this thing moving and whirring around the house.

gondwanalon's avatar

@jca2 The Tesla Bot has to be trained to do different tasks. But I understand that it can learn by watching. I worry that the Tesla Bot might step on the cat’s tails but like you said the cats would likely stay well clear of the Tesla Bot.

janbb's avatar

I won’t buy anything made by that man’s company. Ever.

jca2's avatar

I wonder if his auto sales will go down now that he’s under Trump’s wing.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The Tesla Cyber Truck was originally stated by Musk to cost a little above $39,000 . . . now it costs $100,000 to $120,000 !

Therefore $10K bot costs like $30k to $40k.

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