Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is the experiment with democracy, and capitalism is still on?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25163points) 1 month ago

In school my social studies teacher said that the United States is an experiment in capitalism, and democracy.

What are the results so far?

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6 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

Oh it’s very much still on. Though Putin and the CCP are having glorious orgasms these days along with their chaos generating orange comrade.

Forever_Free's avatar

We are currently in the phase of experimenting on it’s destruction.

More to come.

KNOWITALL's avatar

It is not perfect but if we maintain and rebuild trust in our govt, it will be better.
India and the UK are certainly not perfect but also good examples of a democratic regime.

tinyfaery's avatar

We are already in late stage capitalism. Marx was right.

flutherother's avatar

The US was meant to be a democracy in which capitalism flourished. It has become a capitalist state in which democracy has withered.

Kropotkin's avatar

Capitalism is not compatible with democracy.

You can’t have an economic system with an owner class controlling the means to life itself; the production of nearly all goods and services, and expect them to not exert political influence relative to the massive amounts of wealth and capital they parasitise.

They openly buy political influence. The USA (and pretty much any other industrialised developed liberal democracy) is a mix of polyarchy and oligarchy. It has never been a democracy.

As for the experiment with capitalism. The results haven’t changed in centuries. Incredible inequality and wealth that couldn’t be spent in thousands of lifetimes for those at the top, and crushing grinding desperation and endless toil and struggle for those lower down. And mass pollution, ecocide and catastrophic destablisation of the Earth’s climate system.

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