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NovDel's avatar

Is the original Far Cry the same game as it was?

Asked by NovDel (886points) 1 month ago

I recently bought the original Far Cry from Ubisoft for £2.50. I played it a couple of times back in the day, although my PC at the time struggled with it (I had to use cheats to finish it), so I thought at that price I’d try it with my super-duper new HP Omen. It’s nothing like I remember it. I tried it on ‘easy’ and I’m just being slaughtered at every turn. I couldn’t even get past the first stage without a YouTube assist. The very scenario is not as I remember. Is it a remake?

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3 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

You are used to different gameplay today, which is generally more forgiving, than it was in the past. I had the same experience with the original Crysis. It plays like ass today, while I remember not having any problems with it back in the day.

NovDel's avatar

@ragingloli Maybe you’re right. I played Medieval 2 on a browser app. No. I couldn’t keep my life up. I had no problems on PlayStation back in the day.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Still have my original Crysis disc, I may have to break it out.

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