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mazingerz88's avatar

Are you afraid of seeing a ghost?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) 1 month ago from iPhone

I have a friend who once said he would be fine with seeing a ghost as long as the apparition was from a distance. And not jump scare him.

I would be afraid to see one but not sure if I will still feel the same if it was the ghost of a loved one.

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18 Answers

chyna's avatar

I ain’t afraid of no ghost.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

After my grandpa died, my father saw his ghost.

My dad then started screaming and tried forcing open my bedroom door screaming for help.

I told him that he has nothing to be afraid of if his conscience is clear (my dad pulled my grandpas plug because he ‘doesn’t clean diapers’) . I told him to send him my way as I loved my grandfather.

Two years ago my father died, and I repeated what he said back to him. “I don’t clean diapers”. He said “fair enough ”, and died the same week.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Depends on the ghosts intentions.

ragingloli's avatar

Who you gonna call?

smudges's avatar

It’s not something I sit around and think about, but yeah, I’d at least be nervous, even if it was someone I loved.

Kropotkin's avatar

I saw a ghost when I was 16. At the time it was confusing and frightening, but I later concluded that it was almost certainly a hallucination.

The apparition looked completely vivid and solid, and was of a woman in a blue robe “floating” along my bedroom toward the doorway, at which point she disappeared slowly.

Jeruba's avatar

No. I would be fascinated. I have a ton of questions I’d want to ask. But first I’d be wanting verification that it was really a ghost. I’d be at least as skeptical as Scrooge.

smudges's avatar

^^ Yes, after I’d finished peeing on myself, I’d have lots of questions, also.

gondwanalon's avatar

It’s something strange and it don’t look good.

smudges's avatar

We should stop talking about them or they’ll come to each of us at night. jk

flutherother's avatar

Seeing, and having an ordinary conversation with someone you know wouldn’t be scary unless you found out later they were dead at the time.

smudges's avatar

^^ That’s assuming they look like regular humans.

seawulf575's avatar

I’ve never seen a ghost, but I heard one. At our house in Ohio. It was bouncing a basketball on concrete by the sound of it. I always heard it when I was wide awake (not just waking up of just dozing off). It sounded initially like it was in the front of the house until I went that way to look out the windows and then it sounded like it was to my right. When I turned that way and started walking that way it was suddenly behind me (to the left when I was looking out front. As I started walking that way it stopped. I heard this 6 or 8 times and told my wife about it. She thought it might be some other cause or that I was losing it. Then one day it started up when she was there. She heard it and asked what it was. I told her it was the Basketball Ghost. She scoffed so I told her to tell me where the sound was coming from. She went through the exact same path I had gone looking for the sound and it kept moving, just like it did for me.

It never scared me, though I did promise I would never play 1-on-1 with it if the chance came up. It was too sneaky.

smudges's avatar

^^ You probably had a teen ghost who hadn’t moved on for some reason.

Forever_Free's avatar

Not at all. I look forward to each and every encounter with them.

seawulf575's avatar

@smudges We do know there was a 13 year old named Ricky who committed suicide in that house prior to us buying it. How far prior I don’t really know.

smudges's avatar

^^ That’s very interesting. I lean toward believing there are spirits in our lives. I should be literally dead at least 3 times. Something intervened.

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