General Question

raum's avatar

Do I need to clean an antique poison bottle a particular way?

Asked by raum (13677points) 1 month ago from iPhone

Or just lukewarm water and mild soap?

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13 Answers

janbb's avatar

I think I would go for hot water and a strong soap or maybe put some vinegar in it. I don’t really think it would be a problem though.

elbanditoroso's avatar

how long ago did it actually hold the poison? If it has been dry for 90 years, there is no danger.

Brian1946's avatar

If you have an idea of what the poison was, perhaps you could rinse it out with its antidote.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’d avoid licking it clean.

Caravanfan's avatar

What kind of poison? Probably soap and water is fine.

raum's avatar

@janbb Yeah maybe just warm water and mild soap. I usual use vinegar. But hesitant to add it in case there’s a reaction with any remnants and I’m just breathing in the fumes.

@elbanditoroso Is that fact or a guess?

@Brian1946 That wild be handy if I knew what the poison was to begin with!

@gorillapaws Solid advice!

@Caravanfan Not sure? That’s my guess, but figured I’d ask.

Caravanfan's avatar

What do you want to do with it?

raum's avatar

@Caravanfan Put it on display on a shelf and not worry that my kids will use it in their toy kitchen. :P

Caravanfan's avatar

@raum Hard to know. Soak it for a few days in a bucket of water, rinse it out a few times in vinegar, alcohol, and water. You should be good. Dilution is the solution to pollution. Unless, of course you’re a homeopath in which case the more you dilute it the more powerful it becomes.

raum's avatar

@Caravanfan Ha…not a homeopath. That’s an excellent point. Regardless of what it actually was, dilution should address it. Thanks!

Lightlyseared's avatar

Well, if you absolutely, positively want to get rid of any remining residue piranha etch is the way to go.

raum's avatar

@Lightlyseared That’s probably more hardcore than I need to go. But good to know—and interesting to learn about!

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