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Caravanfan's avatar

Google has changed the Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America in response to the convicted felon. How long do you think it will take Tim Cook at Apple to bend the knee?

Asked by Caravanfan (14238points) 4 weeks ago

Tim Cook is CEO of Apple and I’m talking about Apple Maps which currently has the gulf labelled as its correct name of Gulf of Mexico.

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23 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That should make Felon47 happy for a second or two.

Brian1946's avatar

Trump will tell Musk to buy Apple.
Then Musk will change the name.
Next, maps will show that the body of water to our west is now named, Elon’s Ocean.

Hopefully, the resultant clash of egos will result in an Oval office fist fight, whereby Trump dies from a heart attack, and Musk tries to escape in a space shuttle.

Because the shuttle’s construction wasn’t subject to any safety regulations, its guidance system will send Elon to his beloved Venus.

JLeslie's avatar

Holy crap! What is happening?!

I’m going to hope Apple doesn’t cave so fast.

flutherother's avatar

Why not just call it Gulf of Trump and be done with it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Shit. this is going to be a long four years.

ragingloli's avatar

Do you think Mexico should rename the californian peninsula and the gulf of california in response?

Brian1946's avatar


From your post to Claudia’s eyes.

ragingloli's avatar

Maybe she can make a decree that the gulf of mexico shall henceforth be known as the “Gulf of Mexico and Canada, and no one else”

Forever_Free's avatar

It might take an Executive Order to make it happen, but those are rarely used by Presidents. :)

elbanditoroso's avatar

Cook has more important things to worry about, like the laws in Britain that force Apple to decrypt every person’s iCloud account all over the world.

jca2's avatar

Since California was discovered by Spanish explorers maybe Spain should get to name it. Actually since the whole country was “discovered” by the indigenous, maybe the Native Americans should get to pick all of our place names.

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t have much faith in Cook. I was thinking about upgrading my iPhone and switching to Samsung, even though my current phone works fine.

Forever_Free's avatar

@elbanditoroso Agreed – This misguided attempt at tackling crime and terrorism will not make the UK safer, but it will erode the fundamental rights and civil liberties of the entire population

ragingloli's avatar
“H.R.1161 – To authorize the President to enter into negotiations to acquire Greenland and to rename Greenland as “Red, White, and Blueland”
You can not make this shit up.

janbb's avatar

Instead of Baja California maybe it should be it “Up Yours USA”?

janbb's avatar

@ragingloli They are unbelievable. I saw that too. Tyranny is so petty.

Forever_Free's avatar

This SH**t is just laughable.

janbb's avatar

Apparently, Apple now has changed it.

jca2's avatar

I’m in some Alaska groups on FB (because we went to Alaska two summers ago) and I see lots of back and forth about McKinley vs. Denali.

Caravanfan's avatar

@janbb So they have. That didn’t take long

flutherother's avatar

“Apple” will be renamed “Orange”.

flutherother's avatar

The Gulf of America will be renamed Gulf of Putin.

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