General Question

janbb's avatar

Is it better to park your car facing out in the driveway before a snow storm?

Asked by janbb (63371points) 1 month ago

That’s what I usually do but now I’m wondering whether it is necessary. It occurs to me that that made sense if you have a rear wheel drive car to push the car over any snow. But if your car is all wheel drive, is there any advantage to parking thusly?

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10 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Face out (towards the street), so you can get push from the rear wheels and accelrate into the street.

And don’t forget a blanket over the window/windshield so you don’t need to brush or scrape.

janbb's avatar

@elbanditoroso But my question is if you have all wheel drive does it make a difference?

snowberry's avatar

I vote for facing toward the street so that it is easier to pull out into traffic. Double that if the road or driveway is slick.

SnipSnip's avatar

I don’t park any other way. Ever.

jca2's avatar

If possible, I park facing out because in case there’s a mount of snow from the plow, at the end of my driveway, I can mow over it and steer in the direction I want to go better than backing over it and not having the best line of sight as I would if I were going forward.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

This is just the same old argument about pulling in or backing in, but with snow added into the question. I always pull in, never back in, and I never have a problem backing out, even if there’s a good deal of snow behind my car. If it’s too much for me to back out over, then I wouldn’t be able to pull forward either and that means it has to be shoveled.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Face forward. It is easier to see traffic and not have to stop after plowing over the pile at the end of the driveway.

jca2's avatar

Where I live, when snow is forecasted, everyone parks facing the street with wipers pulled out.

SnipSnip's avatar

Backing in is a good habit. The insurance safety folks have said this for years, and now it’s pretty much stated in anything I’ve read in the past 10 years or so. The company from which I retired mandated backing in all parking spots and/or driveways so I started lots of years ago. I read that some small towns are now making their downtown streets one way and parking spaces marked for backing in at a slant on both right and left sides of the street. That way you leave your spot going forward. I haven’t seen this though, and I think it’s a great idea. Training the driving public to keep distance to allow the guy in front of you to back in a spot will/would be the issue. When I learned to drive I learned to parallel park because that’s how all/most street parking was. It was never a challenge. It was tested when you got licensed too. I don’t know about now.

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