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janbb's avatar

Where is Trump's money for colonizing Palestine going to come from?

Asked by janbb (63371points) 1 month ago

And why is this despicable plan even gaining legs?

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19 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

With Musk and his lackeys illegally controlling the treasury, and with entire departments shut down through what is essentially sabotage, the Orangutan can just order any such plan to be funded through executive order. Any court orders blocking such activity will be ignored.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Go to the mirror and take a good long look.

hat's avatar

You and I will continue to fund this, like we’ve been doing for.a very long time.

@janbb: ”And why is this despicable plan even gaining legs?”

Lack of an opposition party.

elbanditoroso's avatar

He’ll blame the Jews for not supporting him.

Forever_Free's avatar

More than likely you and I. Sadly this plan and his other words of “all hell will break loose” is now creating tensions over the cease fire and the release of prisoners.
How can ANYONE back anything this man says and does. The sad part is that the many people voted for him will be directly impacted in a negative way.

flutherother's avatar

Gaza is the present-day equivalent of the Warsaw ghetto of the 1940’s only four times as large in terms of population. It is sealed off from the world and independent journalists are not given access to report on conditions there. While the Jews of Warsaw were promised “resettlement in the east” the Palestinians of Gaza are given an equally nebulous promise of resettlement somewhere else in the Middle East. The situation is a disgrace and to treat it as a real estate opportunity simply beggars belief.

janbb's avatar

^^ True but the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto were sent to concentration camps. It’s not a bad analogy though.

I am sickened at this idea.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Credit. Zip zip. Or he can issue a special bond.

Zaku's avatar

“Where is Trump’s money for colonizing Palestine going to come from?”
– From the bribes he just legalized?
– From memecoins?
– From the power of idiocy and evil?
– From Musk’s petty cash?


“How can ANYONE back anything this man says and does[?]”
– Indeed. Well, by being indoctrinated by Fox, OAN, “Fundamentalist” Christians, Russian bots, etc.

” The sad part is that the many people voted for him will be directly impacted in a negative way.”
– Really? That’s one of the few parts I’m not so sad about.

mazingerz88's avatar

Gaining legs possibly because Trump’s voters like and agree with the plan.

Trump I assume would get the money from his MAGA congress and private billionaire investors here in the US and abroad.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

. . . and The Trump Organization would have the deed with the suckers paying the bills. . .

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Oooh ohh. He will be relocating them to Mars. With Elon as governor. Musk has $250 billion dollars. He can personally fund to relocate them to Mars. Maybe with some of his billionaire friends?

JLeslie's avatar

What I’ve been wondering is what is plan B? Maybe I’m not paying attention enough, but something has to be done for the Gazans. I wish they could live temporarily (only if they want to, I am against forcing anyone out) in other countries in good conditions.

It’s completely understandable the majority don’t want to leave Gaza, mostly because they won’t trust they will be able to come back. Makes perfect sense with what they have been through in ‘48 and ‘67. Although, during the Nakba it was Arab nations that told them to leave and they could come back after the Israelis are defeated, but the problem was the Israelis won. There is no reason they would trust Trump and the US.

Some Gazans are actually not from Gaza, but areas that are Israel proper now, or their families were from there. Gaza was part of Egypt, so I assume some Palestinians in Gaza are actually Egyptian. My only point is, some Gazans might want to move if they have a good option, but if course since they live in Gaza now, it is their home just as much as families that gave been there many generations.

To answer the Q: I said on another thread that I assume this is similar to Cheney and Halliburton. So, my answer is US tax money. Maybe some venture capitalists. Trump and his friends can get richer building apartments and resorts. They don’t talk about building affordable housing for the Gazans. Even if the Gazans could feel secure that they can return back, even if Gazans live in tents and trailers and stay, Trump and his friends will likely price them out of affording to live there in the end. Horrible! This isn’t Singapore years ago building government subsidized housing, making sure all citizens will have shelter. It’s a land grab for profit.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The Plan B train left the station 50 years ago. Palestinians could have agreed on a two-state solution with Israel (pre-Netanyahu) several times. They (and Israel) would have been able to reach a compromise – neither side happy, but they could have done something constructive.

What happened? Arafat couldn’t be trusted at Camp David despite Begin agreeing. The Palestinians did their intifada thing twice – made them feel good, but did nothing for autonomy or a peace process.

But the intifadas made Israel doubt that the Palestinians could/would be able to deliver anything.

So the Israeli right wing go stronger and stronger and elected Netanyahu.

There is ZERO chance of progress until two things happen:

1) Netanyahu and his right wing cronies disappear.


2) The Palestinians speak with a unified voice.

None of these are in our future….

mazingerz88's avatar

This move by Trump could be the big payoff for that huge amount of money that one Jewish billionaire widow gave to his campaign?

There should be more to come possibly.

I can only assume wealthy oil kingdoms in the ME who support Palestinians might counter with giving Jared billions.

Enough billions for Trump to abandon the plan.

JLeslie's avatar

@elbanditoroso I agree with what you wrote, especially the part that the Israeli political right grew and grew because of the actions of the Palestinians and their leaders. We see it in the US also, the right strengthens when people feel under attack.

I’m not clear what you think will happen to Gaza and the Palestinians who live there? Let’s say a cease fire is reached and it endures; do you think Gaza will be able on its own to rebuild? I don’t see how.

Demosthenes's avatar

The U.S. funded the razing of Gaza; why wouldn’t this be the next step? Democrats don’t get to act like they’re shocked that a complete ethnic cleansing is in the works when that is what has been happening all along. We’ve sent billions to Israel to help them bomb Gaza to the ground. The next step is to expel the Gazans, annex the land, and develop it for the benefit of Israel and its ally.

“Plan B” is the one-state solution. There is no more Jewish ethno-state. There is only a single non-apartheid state. That is, of course, what the Israeli government is doing everything it can to prevent, and the best way to prevent it is to make sure there are no more Palestinians in Palestine.

JLeslie's avatar

@Demosthenes There could be the option of a two state, but I’m pretty sure it is the Palestinian leadership that won’t agree to it ever. Possibly, Netanyahu never would agree also, but many many Israelis would be ok with it, and could vote in a leader who would agree. Problem is October 7th probably did change some Israeli sentiment.

Why do the Arabs get their own states and not the Jews? Why do the Italians, Germans, Japanese, and Irish get their own states and not the Jews?

Why do the Native Americans get their own land with a certain amount of independent governance?

Everyone but the Jewish people deserves their own land.

One state means an Arab state. 2.7 million in West Bank, 2 million in Gaza, and 2 million in Israel, 6.7 million give or take and one of the highest birth rates outside of African countries. The majority will be Arab, and if you interview Palestinians most will say the Jews can visit like tourists. I don’t know if they speak freely, but that’s what they say. You are concerned about the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, but not concerned about an ethnic cleansing of the Jewish people in Israel and other parts of the Middle East.

I’m American, and I love living in a country that is not an ethno-state, but the new world is different than the old, and Israel was partly created because other countries would not take the Jews. The Jews don’t forget that. They left everything behind to be in their own state sanctioned by most of the world.

I just ask you to look at both perspectives of the Palestinians and Jewish Israelis. You and gorillapaws seem entrenched in only the Palestinian perspective.

Lightlyseared's avatar

US taxpayers

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