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seawulf575's avatar

How do Democrats feel about John Fetterman?

Asked by seawulf575 (17240points) 2 hours ago

Fetterman got a lot of help from the Democrats to get elected and keep his seat. But today, he is breaking from the party line and even denouncing many of their ideals. He has identified publicly the problems that led to their loss in the November Election. He’s basically centrist now. There are also Republicans that are more accepting of him these days. How do Democrats feel about this?

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6 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I like him. I like that he breaks from the party sometimes. Shows he cares and is thinking, and hopefully it means he is not influences by money and greed, although possibly that can be in play from opposing forces. I don’t always agree with him, but I don’t expect to agree with my representatives all of the time.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Some like him, some don’t. Democrats don’t all have the same opinion. I like him in general. But like most politicians, I don’t buy 100% of what he is selling.

I would rather have a thinking centrist than a MAGA republican, that’s for sure.,

jca2's avatar

I have seen him on a few talk shows and I don’t remember specifically what he said, but he was ok. I don’t follow him too closely but I did hear something about a month ago that he said that was reasonable – not too far left but not too far right. I haven’t heard of what the recent things were. I didn’t see them online or hear about them on the news, so if anybody has a link to the recent stuff, please post it.

I sometimes listen to a radio show in the afternoon that tends to lean right, but they also talk about culture, crime, etc., not just politics. They were saying why couldn’t he wear something a bit better than nylon shorts and a hoodie. They were saying they get that he has sensory issues but couldn’t he put on sweat pants or something? I agree. I get it, I get it, I get it for those that are intending to lecture me about his stroke and all that, but can’t he step it up just one notch in the dress department?

Forever_Free's avatar

Can you be specific of what you are referencing.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Um, well… Someone on the left needs to be objective on why they keep getting their asses kicked.

Demosthenes's avatar

He’s a brain-damaged Zionist pig.

An absolutely loathsome person who for some reason decided to sell out every one of his convictions for Israel. Some politicians who have similar views to his makes sense, but Fetterman makes no sense.

As usual, Democrats usually come away from their losses with the lesson that they need to essentially just be Republicans. But who wants “Republican lite” when you can just have the real thing with someone like Trump? When Trump lost in 2020, did Republicans tone it down and move toward the center? Fuck no. They denied that they lost and moved further to the right. And it worked.

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