Social Question

jca2's avatar

When you were in high school, did you exchange Valentine's Day gifts with your friends?

Asked by jca2 (17248points) 1 month ago

When I was in elementary school, we exchanged Valentine’s Day cards. Little boxed cards that came probably 20 or 30 in a box, and everyone in class got one, and maybe a few extra for friends that weren’t in class. When I was in high school, we didn’t do that, or exchange gifts of any kind. Any gifts were exchanged either with boyfriend/girlfriend or with family, little token type of gifts. When I was in high school, it was 40 years ago.

My daughter is in high school and they exchange gifts with each other, so this became “a thing” somewhere between 40 years ago and now.

Did you exchange gifts with other classmate/friends in high school for Valentine’s Day?

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18 Answers

janbb's avatar

No, never. Cards as you said in elementary school only.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Nope not at.

Caravanfan's avatar

We were forced to in elementary school.

Demosthenes's avatar

In elementary school we brought Valentines to class (usually a little card with a piece of candy). My mom said when she was in school, they brought things like that too, but only gave them to kids they wanted to give them to. So it was possible for some kids to get nothing. By the time I was in school, we had to bring some for everyone. No actual gifts though.

In high school, there was usually a fund-raiser where you could buy a rose for someone. I never did it though.

jca2's avatar

My daughter came home with a plant, chocolates, a stuffed animal, a cd that someone burned for her. She gave the same type of gifts – candy, stuffed animals, cute pencils.

kruger_d's avatar

We also had the tradition in elementary of everyone making “mailboxes” for Valentine’s Day, usually a decorated shoe box.

janbb's avatar

I think we made big heart envelopes with our names on them and put them on the bulletin board.

raum's avatar

I didn’t. But people do.

It’s mostly just girls. And depends on the friend group.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

No. Only in elementary school.

cookieman's avatar

Yes. In elementary school, as was said, we exchanged little valentine cards with all the kids in our class. I usually chose Marvel or Star Wars themed valentines.

In middle school, you could purchase colored carnations to send to who you chose. It was a fundraiser. Yellow for friends, Pink if you “liked” them, and Red if you “loved” them. They were delivered to each home room and announced. “I have four pink and one red carnation for Becky.” So embarrassing and, of course, some folks got none.

They did sell roses and candy hearts in High School, but it was more of a passive thing. Also for fundraising.

zenvelo's avatar

Not in Jr high or high school. Most kids would be mortified if any but the most popular kids gave them something.

In college, you could put an ad in the personals section of the school paper. The paper would have about. 8 pages of ads on VD, most entertaining of the year.

JLeslie's avatar

Nope. Only in elementary school we did cards.

Forever_Free's avatar

In Grade School it was that box of cards that the Nun made you write to every other kid.

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