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elbanditoroso's avatar

How good is the Iranian navy? How hard would it be to sink their new aircraft carrier?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33751points) 1 month ago


Seems like putting a sort-of-flat deck on an old freighter is sort of perilous. I wonder how they will deal with the weight of the landing deck in rough seas.

Doesn’t Iran’s government have better things to do than build sinkable ships? Like feeding their people, for example.

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9 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

any carrier is a sitting duck without her escort fleet, iranian or not.

Zaku's avatar

It’s “LOL” levels of good.

That carrier is an old freighter with a flat surface and ramp on it.

How hard to sink it? About as hard as sinking a freighter, for most military weapons (i.e. super easy, barely an inconvenience). For a militia or under-equipped foe, harder.

I’m trying to imagine what actual scenario this would possibly be used for, and I think it’s probably intended as a political stunt on various levels, but I don’t know enough about such details to know what they’d all be. Except that if/when it gets sunk, they can claim to have been grievously victimized, and they can use it to provoke others into sinking it to get that to happen.

ragingloli's avatar

It’s a drone carrier, with some additional helicopters.

Zaku's avatar

@ragingloli Ya, I see. Can you imagine a likely mission for it that would be useful, other than naval SIGINT, provocation/escalation, launching drones from a slightly different direction, or getting it sunk to spin the story for political gain?

I’m not aware of any potential target other than Israel, US or other Western forces, all of which could/would make it sink very quickly. I guess it can launch several drones first from an unusual location for Iran, but it’s going to be constantly tracked.

flutherother's avatar

It’s an aircraft carrier that doesn’t carry any aircraft. I’m not sure what use that is.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Do you remember the time the US navy sank half of the Iranian navy in an afternoon?

I suspect it won’t pose much of a challenge.

Forever_Free's avatar

Sounds like how they developed Civil War Ironclads.
__Yeah, lets throw some stuff on this other ship”__

ragingloli's avatar

Converting other ship types to carriers is how the first aicraft carriers were built. And for a country with a limited defence budget, this is a completely valid thing to do.

Zaku's avatar

Yeah, and it’s not the first freighter they’ve converted by adding a landing surface to. See IRIS Makran .

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