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MakeItSo1701's avatar

What do you think of Kennedy's idea for "healing farms"?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13865points) 1 month ago

“Here” The following is direct quotes paraphrased. (I copied a few of the paragraphs)

:–5281164/antidepressants-ssris-rfk-jr-heroin “I’m going to bring a new industry to [rural] America, where addicts can help each other recover from their addictions,” Kennedy promised, during a film on addiction released by his presidential campaign. “We’re going to build hundreds of healing farms where American kids can reconnect with America’s soil.”

Some addiction activists — especially those loyal to the 12-step faith- and values-based recovery model — have praised Kennedy’s approach and are actively campaigning for his confirmation.

But Kennedy’s approach to addiction care is controversial, described by many drug policy experts as risky, in part because it focuses on the moral dimension of recovery rather than modern, science-based medication and health care.

According to Humphreys, Kennedy’s plan to build a network of farms or camps doesn’t appear to include facilities that offer proper medical treatments for seriously ill people facing severe addiction.

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