General Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

How do you argue with people who discredit all of your sources nonstop?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13865points) 1 month ago

This question has nothing to do with people on here, this is a real life question.

As in, every medical journal I cite, every primary source, even directly from a .gov site. It’s all countered with “they are paid to say that”, “you need to look at how the studies were done.” (I tell him, but it’s still not good enough.) or “of course the government would say that.”

Not just medical debates, I mean literally anything.

Any source that is not biased to conservatives is fake news.

And I am NOT making this a conservative vs liberal debate at all. The person in question is conservative, hence me saying that.

I am mainly asking because everything with this person turns political. I talk about Star Wars? Woke liberal bullshit. I talk about Astronomy? The moon landing is fake. I point out that we can see venus? I have no clue what his thing even was on that.

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12 Answers

chyna's avatar

I don’t know what this person’s relationship to you is, but if this continued in most conversations, I would just cut them out of my life, if possible. Life is too short to have to argue or explain everything I say or believe. This person doesn’t want a conversation with you, they want to control your thinking.

canidmajor's avatar

I don’t, not anymore. Their purpose is not to discuss with you, but to discredit and diminish you. Even if this is a seemingly lovely person in other ways, they disrespect you much too much to be good for your well-being. I have had to walk away from a few such relationships and it can be hard, but ultimately for the best.

If they disrespect you when discussing stuff that is important to you, rethink, rethink, rethink.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Thank you.

It is my father and I live with him.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

The moon landing was real, Star wars woke or not, has been shitty storytelling recently. Keep with the Star Trek, it’s so much better. Medical studies are often just products of who funded them.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Ok. I love Star Wars also.

ragingloli's avatar

You need to start citing god, yesterday’s phonecall with jesus, and your telepathic communion with the archons of alpha centauri.
He comes at you with moon landing conspiracies? mock him for not seeing that the moon is made of cheese. Top his nonsense with even greater bollocks. Call him a sheeple if he scoffs at it.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

The Empire Strikes Back was the only good Star Wars film. Change my mind.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Revenge of the Sith is my 2nd fave.

Phantom Menace was only good during Maul fight. Outside of the OG and RoTS the other stuff is eh

Zaku's avatar

My usual technique is to avoid such people. They are generally not worth the effort.

Or I just laugh at them, and/or give them the look of utter contempt they deserve.

YARNLADY's avatar

Spend as much time as you can away from this person. When you must be around him ask what he thinks about (any subject) and just listen, don’t answer back or say anything, just listen. He can’t discredit you if you don’t give him anything.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I did love the Darth Maul lightsaber dual.

canidmajor's avatar

Oh dear, @MakeItSo1701, I am so sorry that your situation is just that, it is very difficult, especially now.

Your best bet, at this point, is to try not to engage on those subjects. A lot of parents don’t recognize that their adult children are actually adult persons who are as well (or better) educated on current issues as they are.

Maybe try to find things for discussion that are less fraught? Books, entertainment, local events, stuff like that.

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